A group of stalkers, for the first time, reaches the very heart of the Zone-the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant-and triggers a cataclysm on the brink of a catastrophe. An immense blast of anomalous energy transforms the Zone: the once reliable and relatively safe roads are no longer so, the landscape is wiped clean by outbursts of anomalies, and previously unknown areas appear on the Zone map. Stalkers and expeditions perish or end up isolated within the lost territories.

VanyaSpagetti says

7/10 - Agree Disagree

While a step forward in graphical fidelity over it's predecessor Shadow Of Chernobyl , S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky does take two steps back in countless other ways. I am a fan of the trilogy and give the 8 due to bias perhaps, so if anyone ever finds this review and reads it do not go by my rating. Or any other rating for that matter.
Skip head, fill in later...

All in all, Clear Sky feels much different than SOC or COP and right from the start it is clear to most players that the there is a stronger emphasis on combat. So gear up Stalker.