As the commander of the Defense Space Station, respond to distress calls and travel from planet to planet using your powerful arsenal to buy enough time to complete each mission. With the unique objective based system, Spoids offers a challenge for all levels of ability. There are hours of gameplay including the story missions, unlimited wave mode, four medals to unlock at each planet, and a host of enemy and weapon types to master. Each mission is completely voice acted by a set of memorable characters that need your help. Can you stop the Spoids? Spoids has already released under the Xbox Live Indie Games section to much praise. It is ranked in the top 5% of all games on the XBLIG market based on user ratings. Here are some quotes from reviews online: "One of the most polished looking games on the market. [XBLIG]" - Indie Gamer Chick "A well-designed and fun game, worth playing for any strategy aficionado." - Indie Game Magazine

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can't start the game (aamaya 11 years ago)

Spoids randonly freezes/crashes...

XNA Maximum Texture2D size of...

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