Sohei Ninja “Warrior-Monk Ninja” Side-Scroller You're basically a ninja who goes through monsters to finish the level' The game is still under development' Still need to be done' - Create more monsters' - Create basic tile set then after up the quality - Finish fixing the problems and bugs we have so far with alpha + Soon to be released as a beta' So Far: - There are no attacks, except your able to throw 3 various weapons' - Jump, climbing, walking, run are movements' - 2 Levels, going to add 5 more by next week' Please join the forum, and list your ideas and other things'

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Tile set is being worked on currently. It'll represent summer and later I'll have fall, spring and winter. Beta i'm hoping also will be...



--- Game Info: -- Weapons 1.1 Character; 1.2 Items;: -1.1 Katana Boe Staff Katar Claws -1.2 Kunai Throwing Spike Throwing Star Grappling Hook -- Abilities...

Feature Added.


There was an idea in item shop to buy claws for the ninja so you could climb up walls. But what the heck, your a ninja for god sakes! Who says you didn’t...