This is a short visual novel about the fate of three scientists experiencing very disturbing phenomena after an accident in the Alternative Energy Research Institute. You play as one of them. As the story unravels you dive into the dark recesses of the human psyche, post-apocalyptic world, and the horrible truth about the universe. During the game, you can see the surroundings through the protagonist’s eyes, who suffers from derealization, which causes the objects you see to be flattened, without depth (this also affected the visual style of the game).Around 2040 In Alternative Energy Research Institute was discovered another state of mater called Singular Exotic Matter. This kind of matter was in the stage of testing. From a theoretical point of view it was a matter that could connect traditional (baryonic) matter to quantum realm and then create theory of everything.Our protagonist along with his friends went to retrieve Singular Matter from accelerator leading to disaster.


