Ten years ago in 2027, the city of Freeport was on the verge of collapse. The inefficient and under manned police forces were losing in the long hard battle against crime. The city needed help, but the overburdened government could no longer cope with maintaining peace on the streets. The government proposed a bill giving individual corporations the right to form their own police/security forces and they in turn would provide protection for the companies and citizens of the cities. This bill was passed and a new order of law enforcement was birthed. Several well respected sec-forces were established and one hard hitting group calling themselves HARDCORPS helped lead the way in crime prevention and elimination. The chaos slowly subsides as the sec-forces bring peace and order back to the city.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 12)

SiN is a great game quit unknown since it was overshadowed by its competitor Half Life. I personally liked SiN better, this game have more freedom, less linearity, a good level of interactivity, a thing that is missed these days.
John R Blade is a bit like Duke Nukem, some kind of Dude filled with testosterone that spread taunts when he kills some bad guys and JC who is his sidekick, and he reminded me a bit Alex Jacobson from Deus Ex with a more humorous tone.
The weapons are fun and quite oldschool, the game didn't aged that well in matters of graphics, however it still very nice to play.
This is an underrated masterpiece with one of the most Evil strong woman character that is probably more famous than the game itself named Elexis Sinclaire.
A game that deserves an actual sequel I think


SiN is a great game unfortunately it was overshadowed by its direct competitor Half-Life.
However SiN comes with features not since in many games of it's time and it's awesome.


I played it quite a while but I can't say it's the best fps ever nor the worst one. A lot of bugs and confusing layout, but it wasn't so necessary. It had some story at least than the modern COD.

Good game and fine gameplay, some cheesy stuff and perhaps too long, but defiantly an overlooked tittle.


HATMAN1218 says


Res1 says


10021727 says


luiz0regis says


andrea89 says


stampp says