Rush to Hell is a Roguelike, Bullethell, Top down shooter! Choose your Savior, customize his Abilities and reach the Earth's Core.



Based in Italy

Release date:




Rush to Hell is a game where you go Pew Pew and Bang Bang, and sometimes even Swing and Pow, kicking the ass of your enemies. Years of technological progress have led to the use of Earth as a source of energy, and humanity has begun to develop at twice the speed. After decades of use and after putting the planet in poor condition, the earth has begun to crumble causing huge chasms making it a hostile and uninhabitable place for weak living beings, forcing humans to move on to other space colonies.


Rush to Hell.

Rush to Hell is a charge of nonsense, mixed with a hardcore game, certainly you do not want to be defeated by a Comet that stumbles.

With the ability to change passive and active skills for 10 characters, the game will always generate different random levels and enemies from the toughest to the most bizarre, surprising the player every time.

The Story.

Rush to Hell was born in December 2016 as a short-term project with the simple idea of ​​an Astronaut trying to save his now-destroyed planet.

Initially, the project was meant to be a short game, similar to an innovative Space-Invaders.

The rebirth.

After months of neglect, the idea of ​​creating a video game based on safeguarding a planet now destroyed, continued to whisk in my head. So in October 2017 I recreated the same project but on a larger scale and completely distorting it, but keeping the plot and some characters.

The game was initially meant for a completely customizable Top-down Shooter, that approached every player and every style of gaming.


  • Pick from 10+ characters, from a young Astronaut to a Fallen Hero, a Time Traveler and much more!
  • Make your way and go down to the center of the earth through 7 different randomly generated levels!
  • Customize all the stats of your character by distributing your Embers in countless different ways!
  • Upgrade your weapon and your character with more than 100 unique items, including active, passive and small animals that will follow you during your adventure!
  • Customize every skill of your favorite character by choosing one of the 6+ unique abilities of that character, with a skill tree that can exceed 50 upgrades for each character!
  • Fight against hordes of enemies with more than 45 dangerous and unique opponents, each with their special abilities!
  • Going alone is dangerous ... Bring a friend with you and help each other by reaching your goal with Co-Op Online!


Rush to Hell - Gameplay Trailer YouTube


Download all screenshots & photos as .zip

Download logo/icon assets as .zip

Monetization Permission

ThatzTeam allows for the contents of Rush to Hell to be published through video broadcasting services for any commercial or non-commercial purposes. Monetization of videos created containing assets from Rush to Hell is legally & explicitly allowed by ThatzTeam. This permission can be found in writing at

About ThatzTeam

Italian, programmer and underpaid artist. Creator of Rush to Hell

More information
More information on ThatzTeam, our logo & relevant media are available here.

Rush to Hell Credits

Nicolò Federico Pagano
Founder and Developer

Alessio Cagianelli

Christian Ribaudo

presskit() by Rami Ismail (Vlambeer) - also thanks to these fine folks