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This is our first game in the year 2013 we estimate a release mid-2014 We have 6 people on this project.

Add job Report Concept Artist Wanted at Goregaming

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Artists located Anywhere.

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Concept Artist position open at Goregaming.
What are the requirements?

Concept artist must be able to illustrate rooms, with 3 orthographic views. (3D)
Must be able to draw on at least one program Or hand-drawn items, that are neatly presented and scanned.


This not paid work as the project is not a commercial project.
It is all free.
You can do freelance or stay with Goregaming

About Goregaming?

We are a small indie development company, based in the UK also known as (Gore-Games) Abbreviated. We work with people from all continents and across the globe.
Goregaming was first Established in 2012. A game was made called ZSI but, did not succeed as many were inexperienced or drawn into other things. Early September 2013 Goregaming was back and ready for development. Goregaming is split into two different teams. Working on two separate projects. Goregaming currently has 13 members all together. For all of our projects and games we use Unity3d. for assets and animation we use either Autodesk maya, blender or 3dmax

About the Project?

Early Stages, horror fps called "Philip Havelock" Details will be given once you have joined. Planning for the first level has been complete. Level design has been complete. All models are yet to be developed. Music and SFX is 20% done. Programming is complete.


x1 Programer/Story Writer/Game Design Document writer.
x1 Music Composer

Open positions;

Concept Artist
Art Director
x3 3D Modeller(s)

To Apply

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