Have your logic skills tested in the most interesting way! Download Tricky Riddles and Answers and solve clever riddles in English and many other languages! ◊ CLEVER RIDDLES ARE MENTAL! ◊ What was that famous, tricky what am I riddle about the riddle itself invented by some cool chicks? "I can be short, I can be simple, but solving me is sometimes a pimple…" No, no, it wasn't it. "I can be meaningful, I can be vain, but solving me can sometimes be a pain. What am I?" That's it! If you really want meaningful and tricky riddles to solve and make your brain work faster, Riddles and Answers in English should be your top choice. With so many simple and difficult riddles to solve, this brain teaser app is mental! And it's a nice mental workout, too. The best part is: you can solve easy and hard riddles in many different languages! So, if tricky riddles in English turn out to be too easy for you, go on and try them in some other language you know. You will be surprised how fun that ca


