~This is a tale, dedicated to those who have been a victim of bullying~ * Please consider the following points to see if this game is right for you. The protagonist of this story is extremely shy and pessimistic. Individuals who do not share a similar personality, or those who do not have an understanding of those personalities may find the game frustrating. This game has a slow start, so it isn't for people who want a story that is in full swing from the get-go. This game is aimed at people who want to primarily enjoy the story, rather than the graphics or sound. It is important to play through to the end of the game in order to grasp a full understanding of the story. We believe you will find this game enjoyable if the above points don't concern you. Japan, Aichi Prefecture, Central Nagoya. One day in July, just before the summer break, Yuuma Takise, an introvert student who was experiencing a solitary and gloomy high school life, encountered a strange creature named


