For the moment Project Icarus is quite messy, Its undergoing a revival because although an old project that was scrapped a few months ago, I am re-visiting it and also re-learning some of my older style's, For the moment the game will be a little inconsistent and buggy, the current build should be 0.25a ALPHA. For the time being this game will remain free but I plan on charging around about £2-£3 (4-5$) once it hits V1.0

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Major Direction Change


Project Icarus was going to be a simple game about You 'Zoe' In a sci-fi city trying to unravel the mystery of a document called Project-Icarus you found on the web, along side trying to live your normal day to day life either as a crime fighter, office worker or notorious criminal.

Project Icarus has been discontinued but its mechanic's and general design will continue into its predecessor 'Project Almera'

Project Almera will take place in my envisioned Alternate future of the popular Half Life 2 series.
Exact details are not yet available but here are some solids.

You will play as your very own customized character as you explore the galaxy and discover your place among the stars. Will you aid the Terran Lance, and help mankind banish the combine forces from their home? Or will you join the Aquarion armada's and become a galactic peacekeeper. Perhaps your roots will settle with the ancient Arcadians and their Ion based technologies.

No matter what you choose, The entirety of the galaxy is open to you weather you journy to Gaia Station in Sol or IosisPrime, captial world of the Aquarions, The game will develop as Me and my friend's Text Roleplay continues to play out.

Remember that Project Icarus has been a great test bed for some experimental features but its time to work on the big project now. I'll get some more information up soon.

Planned Video

Planned Video


Planning on getting a video up about the game soon.




I plan on expanding the districts a bit and revising the information terminal at Novus for the next update, Ill be adding in more enemies to fight and...

Primary game features

Primary game features


The game has a hand-full of features I have been working on for some time now like the crafting, Im looking to expand on that in particular but there...

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Build 0.25a (ALPHA)

Build 0.25a (ALPHA)

Demo 1 comment

This is an early build for alpha testing. Please report bugs, typo's and glitches when you find them.

BethMythica Creator
BethMythica - - 49 comments

I'd like to urge anybody who has downloaded the 0.25a build to please report the bugs you find, It would be highly appreciated and speed up development if I know what im looking for.

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