Hey ! Pokémon Chronicles/Pokémon Arena are Unreal Engine 4 Projects. First of all, I want to clarify that I do not hold any rights to Pokémon : all rights are to Nintendo and Game Freak. So please, support the original games ! Now, I can speak about my project. First, for the realease date, I don't know yet ; approximately, I foresee August 2016 but please, don't be impatient because maybe I can abandon my project. So, I want to do a Pokémon 3D Fan Game with a new story, probably a new region and somes new concepts. About the story, I haven't yet fixed idea but I'll certainly do a mature history with secondary quests a little like Majora's Mask. The main sources of my inspiration are of course the Pokémon Games and Xenoblade Chronicles too. I try to do videos at least once a week on Youtube, so please, take a look at this. Excuse me but I don't have great things to say... soooo... I hope you'll like my Project and if you have any questions, I'm here ! :)

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Announcements (Games : Pokémon Arena / Pokemon Chronicles : Forum : Announcements) Login to Post
[Important] Battle Announcement ! Baitot Baitot - read

Sep 17 2015


Now it's time for some serious stuff ! Here, you can see all the announcements !