One Late Night is a short immersive horror-game experience, starring an unnamed graphic designer employee, working late one night at the office, until strange things start to happen. The basic idea is that players who have been in similar situations, and worked with similar office jobs, will relate themselves to the game setting and scenario and become immersed. Even if you can't relate to the game storyline, you will still get a good experience. The storyline is presented with short monologues, displaying the thoughts of the player, as you need to perform certain tasks to proceed in the game to continue discover new clues about what's going on. Use your surroundings to your advantage and hide under desks and in corners to avoid being taken by the ghost which haunts the office. Remember that the light will always be your friend. Survive the night and find as many clues as you can about the threat.

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Game will not open on OS X 10.8 (Spidey1980 10 years ago)

I cant start it

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can not play the game (breversa 11 years ago)

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Video: [Facecam] Mum plays One...

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