With Mario Editor, it's easy to play, create, and share your very own custom Mario levels! Utilize a massive selection of powerups, enemies, items, and other goodies in your creations.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 12)

very good :D

It seems interesting to me that you can make a level inside of mario just by using simple blocks and tool functions. 9/10

It’s alright, but I don’t reckon it’s as good as the real thing which is super Mario maker.

I would call this the sequel to Super Mario Bros: Game Master. The most famous mario editor is Super Mario Maker, but fangames were the first to implement the idea of game editor for mario levels.

doesnt let me reopen when i closed due to the d3dx9_43.dll missing error when that dll file IS CLEARLY IN THE FILES OF THE GAME


304 says

Agree Disagree

Amazing game with infinite possibilities. There is no level limit, there is a massive tile library, There is so much music to choose from, so many backgrounds, it's basically Mario Maker but with more you can do. I'm not giving a ten just because of two minor issues.

1.) The warp system is slightly difficult. I can pull it off most of the time but for new people it can be quite tricky.

2.) Sometimes I wish it was possible to remove the grid in the level editor. It just gets in the way sometimes.

Apart from that, great game!





NagatoNega says


AlexHallon says