You are Hypercharge. The smartest and strongest of all Action Figures.

RSS Reviews

CyberViking says

Agree Disagree

This game is amazing!


bigdicksquatch says

Agree Disagree

little soliders

big dicks


Han__solo says

Agree Disagree

Good game mechanics , toy nostalgia, boyhood fantasy play all in one.


HextoN says

Agree Disagree

A serious throwback to my childhood, a real nostalgia trip to the likes of Toy Story and Small Soldiers but for the modern era WITHOUT the usual accoutrements of modern monetization.

Buy game, play game, have fun, just like things used to be, a nice change of pace.


moocowe says

Agree Disagree

Great game, made even better with the latest update.


Baloosian says

Agree Disagree

I really like it to be so small as player, reminds me of Padman, great job !!!...


dpintobenitez says

Agree Disagree

Crear Game


PrimeMidged says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

Possibly the best "toy game" currently available. This excellently captures the feeling of a kid imagining his action figures defending random places, and the seemingly normal areas become fantastic when seen through the eyes of a small action figure. One nice feature is that you must explore the area to find resources, effectively turning the game into a temporary platformer before each round as you scale rooms and shelves and try to find a way to get the supplies near the roof. Highly recommended.


grihajedy says