"BANG,BANG,BOOOOOOOM. We got it all,from boat racing and cool explosions to deadly zombies that are ready to eat your brain(not my case).

Add job Report 2D Artist at Hardcore Technologies

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Htgames.ro.im on

We are in need of a talented 2D Artist to help us with our Android project.
You will help us design and build mobile games. We are looking to hire the brightest, most passionate, dedicated and awesome people we can find. If this sounds like you, then you will fit right in. We want the best, and we'll do what's needed get you on board!


1. Provide concept art and mockups to help design new games
2. Provide developers with necessary assets during the development process
3. Work closely with our product and design teams
4. Capacity to maintain creative vision from concept to final assets


1. Proficient in Photoshop and Illustrator
2. Knowledge of traditional animation techniques
3. Excellent grasp on colors and themes to breathe life into assets

Bonus skills:

1. Knowledge of Flash animation
2. Strong attention to detail and focus
3. Embrace the gaming culture and be current on industry trends and opportunities.

Please just send a link to your portofolio.Please do not send any attachements!

Thank you!

To Apply

send your portofolio to bob@htgames.ro.im