Frogatto & Friends is an old-school 2D action/adventure platformer game, starring a certain quixotic frog. Give it a try! We're trying to push 2D platforming, pixel-art, and music into uncharted territory. We hope you like the results!

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 40)

It's a sad truth that few great games emerge from the FOSS community: Frogatto is indisputably one of them. The game looks and sounds good and controls well, the levels are well-designed, the story and characters are quirky... It's hard to find fault with it really, except perhaps with how easy to low keys down holes :-/

Great game. Hope it reaches Steam one day.

A nice, funny spiritual descendant of Yoshi's Island. Beautiful hand-drawn graphics, nice OST and some questionable humor.

A fun arcade game, featuring a more sandbox style platform adventure game, coins and buying stuff, quests and side quests, with a nice storyline, and some character to well, game characters. ;-)

Awesome game ! °w°

This game is so good. Really reminiscent of classics like Donkey Kong Country and Rayman. Frogatto features a large, beautiful world to explore and an excellent soundtrack. My only issues are that there's no resolution settings (yet) and the gamepad controls can make it hard to perform multiple actions at once (jump and tongue, for example)

Still, I can't recommend it enough. Excellent presentation.


Esor says

Agree Disagree

I've been observing this game for a long time and it's great.

Very good game but I find it short, though it isn't short. Maybe the lack of evolution. The spells aren't very useful since you can't cast them a lot and they don't make a lot of damage (except the homing head against the flying). The levels are difficult but not too much, music is ok but rapidly repetitive. The shop don't have enough item: I bought everything and still have more than 1200 at the end of the game. The level design is sometimes confusing: often it looks like there is a secret but finally there isn't any secret, so you spend times to find something that don't exist. If it's only sometimes, it's ok but that happens too much.

Très bon jeu mais je le trouve court malgré qu'il ne le soit pas. Peut-être l'absence d'évolution. Les sorts ne sont pas très utiles comme on ne peut pas en lancer beaucoup et qu'il ne font pas tellement de dommage. A part la tête chercheuse contre les volant (bombardier par exemple), je ne les ai pratiquement jamais utilisé. Les niveaux sont durs mais pas trop et la musique est bonne mais trop répétitive. Le magasin n'a pas assez d'objets: j'avais tout acheter et je terminais quand même le jeu avec plus de 1200 pièces. Le level design est parfois troublant: on a souvent l'impression qu'il existe un passage secret mais, en fait, il n'y en a aucun, donc tu perds beaucoup de temps à le chercher, persuader qu'il y en a un. Si ça n'arrive que de temps en temps, pas de souci, mais là c'est trop souvent. (Ex: dans les mines, on voit régulièrement des ascenseurs dans les coins mais, en fait, ils ne sont là qu'en décoration.)

It has a great SNES like graphic, a lot of colors and smooth animations. Level design and mechanics are well defined as well. A great platform adventure.


Fantastic art. Was anyone expecting this?