Online Football Manager Play the most exciting football manager!

RSS Reviews

kurdtman says

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I saw the promos this game do on one of my favs YouTubers, so I give it a go. At first, is easy, you get better faster; when time pass is a little harder but the great part of it is joining a team. While the game doesn't have killer graphics (is it a manager after all), the community is the best. I have now been part of a couple of teams, and find the right one for me, so I met all these people from the world and even met a couple of my best friends online. Sometimes is not about the graphics, but about the community.


rafa-sis says

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A great game for the fans of Football!


facundonar says

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Really good manager game, i love it!
I've been playing for a while and i have my own team! It's great