FizzBuzz is a game in which you always see one number on the screen. Below there are three buttons (Fizz, Buzz and FizzBuzz). If the shown number is divisible by 3 you have to press Fizz if it is divisible by 5 press Buzz and if it is divisible by 3 and 5 press FizzBuzz. If it is not divisible by 3 or 5 just wait for the next number. This sounds easy, but you only have a short amount of time to make the right decision. The Android Wear part of the app is exactly the same. If you reach a new highscore on your smartwatch it will be automatically synchronized with the device. The game has 3 modes for more variety. Furthermore the Google Play Game Services are integrated so that the you can unlock achievements and compete in a global leaderboard.

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FizzBuzz [with Android Wear]

FizzBuzz [with Android Wear]


I just released my new game FizzBuzz [with Android Wear] for Android. FizzBuzz is easy to understand, but hard to master.