Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh Against the Gods, is a strategy+action game. You play strategy on a board but when pieces step on the same place a battle screen opens and they duel to the death. Sumerian Blood is loosly based on mesopotamian mythology and history. There will be both single player(Human Vs PC) and multiplayer(Over network or in the same machine).

Forum Thread
Sumerian Blood. Alpha 2012.02.11 (Games : Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh Against the Gods : Forum : News and Releases : Sumerian Blood. Alpha 2012.02.11) Locked
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Feb 14 2012 Anchor


After a long while I didn't update(about a month), I am releasing a new alpha.

I am linking to a previous alpha, since the information about the meta server still applies.
Previous alpha

To get this alpha use the password
Over at

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