Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh Against the Gods, is a strategy+action game. You play strategy on a board but when pieces step on the same place a battle screen opens and they duel to the death. Sumerian Blood is loosly based on mesopotamian mythology and history. There will be both single player(Human Vs PC) and multiplayer(Over network or in the same machine).

Forum Thread
Sumerian Blood. Alpha 2012.01.05 (Games : Sumerian Blood: Gilgamesh Against the Gods : Forum : News and Releases : Sumerian Blood. Alpha 2012.01.05) Locked
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Jan 5 2012 Anchor

In this alpha you can join a meta server.
A meta server is a server which keep a list of hosts(server) of games you can join to. You can also use the meta server to host your own server.
To navigate the menu, use the arrow keys and Enter for selection. To join the meta server, select Meta in the main menu, then select Join.
In the meta server you can chat by pressing enter and then typing your message. You can set yourself a nick by typing /nick SomeNick.
To host a type /host. To join a server type /join ServerName.

Things you need to know when hosting a server!
When you host a server, the game listens on the ports 21515 for UDP and 21516 for TCP. This means that these ports need to be reachable by the "outside world". It means your software firewall shouldn't block the game, or allow these ports, and if you are behind a router, the router should port forward these ports into your specific machine. There might be other network issue, but those issue are similar to most games you are hosting a server on your own PC.

If you have any more questions on how to play the game in this alpha, post them here or in the general forum.

To get this alpha use the password
Over at

Edited by: PompiPompi

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