A new war is brewing. A violent conflict, between the Six Colonies, each one convinced that it was in the right, each one sure of its own ability to defeat its enemies. But they need Generals. They need soldiers. They need you.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 147)

Some people might find the complexity of play in the multiplayer to be intimidating, but once you really understand it you will be able to appreciate the gameplay that rivals top commercial RTS's.

Not to mention, being completely free, the price is right. All that currently lacks is an active player community.

very polished, nice graphic style. tons of free fun

It's fun. It's fast.

Its and EPIC! Game.

good graphics RTS a plus also.

The lack of support for intel chipsets is slightly annoying as i cannot play this on my laptop. But my desktop can run this RTS at high and it is very very engaging.


crashes my laptop, restarts it. couldnt even make a metal miner. not easy to set up a game either.
EDIT:after looking up a tutorial and sorting out lagg and crash problems, i actually found this to be a pretty decent game. definatly try it, especially as it is free!!

I have re-reveiwed this game and have come to be quite impressed. Firm, solid game play, respectable graphics, and at first glance confusing but rather usefull start menu.

I give this mod a 10/10 overall

*gameplay 10/10
*Graphics 9.5/10
*variability 9.8/10 (the stuff you can do with the game)
*fun-ness 10/10
*Potential 10.1/10

This mod has a true RTS experience and I HIGHLY Recommend that this game be on your computer for your gamming enjoyment! =)

Amazing game, love it, many different modes