Simple game for New Year celebration. Your objective is to help a little snowman to collect energy spheres, that is falling from the sky. As soon as you catch the spheres, you will raise the energy level of the tree, and some light bulbs on the tree will glow. And there are some special items. Some will help you, some will make troubles for your. Just see the info before the game.

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Game Released!

News 2 comments

Game have been approved in Apple AppStore. Some days later have been released to Google Play. It is already finished. So you can play it whenever you want, just download it.

Energize It! In game screenshotsEnergize It! In game screenshots
Energize It! In game screenshotsEnergize It! In game screenshots

Your objective is to help a little snowman to collect energy spheres to light the bulbs on new year tree. There are some presents - helpful and not so.

Some features are planned for the future:
1. leaderboars - who have lit the tree faster
2. may be multiplayer.

Guest - - 705,439 comments

Seems simple yet fancy.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Alex_Lee - - 15 comments

*logs in* Seems simple yet fancy.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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