Do you feel the fire in you? Want to break free from the 9-5? Are you between the ages of 18-85? Then get fired up for the chance of a lifetime! Join the emergency services revolution and become an Embr Respondrâ„¢ today!

RSS Reviews

grihajedy says

Agree Disagree

One of the best co-op games. I don't really like extinguish fire but after playing it with friends and advancing beyond the 1st level, I realized that I had found a rare diamond. Each level has 5 additional game modes+there are additional tasks that are available in all these modes, which creates an incredible replayability for the game, for completing tasks you get money, coins and diamonds that you can spend on really interesting equipment. Embr is an example of just a perfect grind game. I bought 4 copies and played with a bunch of friends, I got a lot of fun, and there is also a plot in the game, the locations are always surprising with something, they are interesting to study, a lot of hidden bonuses at the levels, the game is made from the heart, despite its primitiveness. There are, of course, small drawbacks, such as the weak design of the game, which do not allow to rate 10/10, I complete 2 areas on 100% for about 35 hours and I wanted more, but 3 district became a disappointment for me, the authors could not do better than the second masterpiece district and 3rd turned out to be quite average, 2 levels with a rate of 6/10 for me, 1 level - 7.5 and 1 - 7, final mission and ending..also 6/10. Only the third district does not allow me to rate the game 9/10.


Chester1994 says

Agree Disagree

I love the game. The dev team actually listens to their player base. These guys deserve to make it BIG TIME.