Elandor Chronicles is an adventure MMORPG reminiscent of the golden age of gaming, inspired by titles such as Legend of Zelda, and Dragon Quest. Featuring original retro pixel-art and music, Elandor Chronicles aims to bring players a non-cliched game-play experience which encourages social game-play, less-restrictive progression, and immersive combat and exploration.

RSS Articles
Preview of Helmsglade City

Preview of Helmsglade City


Work on the tilesets has been progressing extremely well.

Cave and Dungeon Preview

Cave and Dungeon Preview


Here is a preview of the first major dungeon in Elandor Chronicles. It's a cave/dungeon hybrid inhabited by lizardfolk and some other creatures and critters...

Music - Update 1

Music - Update 1


Our composer, Clark Bonafe has taken the time to orchestrate a few in-game tracks for your listening pleasure.

Facebook and Twitter Page

Facebook and Twitter Page


Elandor Chronicles now have dedicated Facebook and Twitter accounts.

NPCs - Update 1

NPCs - Update 1


Work has been progressing well on designing and developing different NPCs to inhabit the various regions in Elandor Chronicles.

Studio Title - Emberstorm Games

Studio Title - Emberstorm Games

News 2 comments

I've developed the studio title name for which Elandor Chronicles will be developed and published under, as well as any other or future titles I may work...