The game follows the exploits of annelid superhero Jim and his new sidekick Snott as they try to rescue Jim's beloved Princess What's-Her-Name from a forced marriage to the nefarious Psy-Crow. While chasing them across the universe, Jim comes across the summer homes of a number of villains, including Evil the Cat and Bob the Killer Goldfish. Original DOS Version

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 22)

I LOVE Earthworm Jim! That said, there are a number of problems with this port: first, it DOESN"T RUN on Linux! Second, controller support kinda sucks on Windows. I hope some updates make this game run more smoothly and fix the Linux problem.

Deux excellents jeux à l'humour complètement décalé.
Earthworm Jim fait partie des jeux de plateformes cultes au même titre qu'un Sonic ou un Rayman.
J'enlève cependant 1 point pour le manque de précision des commandes multidirectionnelles sur le matériel récent (en ce qui me concerne, une manette de XBox 360).


Sofox says

Agree Disagree

I remember playing this back in the day. Tonnes of personality, weird and wonderful levels and enemies, and the second game throws up a lot of various gameplay variations. Fun game with a great sense of humour.


DoucheBoots says


bsdfreak says


Pulp_culture says


thedaemon says


Razziey95 says


ghost3030 says


KingDrunky says