CyberShot is a Free-to-Play FPS MMORPG that takes place in an Open-World enviroment with multiple sand-box features such as player-changed terrain and a constantly changing world. In this ground-breaking game players will have the ability to pursue any path they wish including: Player Killing, Dungeon Clearing, and even roles such as a Chef or an Engineer with many other paths left for the inhabitants to discover as they explore and play through this never-ending world. Take place in legendary fights against both players, and other enemies to test your strength. Will you have what it takes to challenge this world, or will you die trying like the majority?

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CyberShot Main Q&A (Games : CyberShot : Forum : General Discussion : CyberShot Main Q&A) Post Reply
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JayGhoul Lead Developer of CyberShot
Jun 2 2016 Anchor

What platforms will this game run on?
Currently we only know of Windows for certain, however we are looking into HTC VIVE, Oculus, Mac, and Linux.

Will there be Clans, Guilds, Alliances, Parties, etc.?

Yes, there will be Clans which include players and at times when AI's are implemented into the game alongside the players, they will be able to join the Clans as well just as regular players will.
Squads are temporary groups consisting of 1-10 players.
Guilds will consist of 1-100 players who are linked together to own or capture a territory.
Alliances will consist of 1-10 Guilds who are linked together to own a portion of the world.

How much will this game cost

$0.0, this game will be free to play.

What kind of weapons will there be?

Revolvers, Pistols, Sub-Machineguns, Assault Rifles, Rifles, Grenade Launchers, Sniper Rifles, Plasma Blades, Knifes, Fists, Traps, Explosives.

How big will the world be?

At the current moment we have decided on a 800km x 800km map that has the potential to be increased with our choosing.
We are also looking into a separate world that will be approx. 100-200km x 100-200km that will be used for events such as holidays.

Is this a bullsh!t project or are you actually making this?

We are actually making this guys, calm down. <3

What is a FPS MMORPG?

A FPS MMORPG is a mixture/combination of two game styles. A FPS is a First Person Shooter game which is typically referenced to when talking about game like CoD and Battlefield. A MMORPG is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game which is typically referenced to when talking about games like RuneScape, MapleStory, Lineage II, and so many more.

What is the date this is releasing?

Well if you check the main page it says "TBD" for a reason cause honestly I don't know. At the rate this team is growing it might take a while, however it could be as short as a year before Alpha is released if we can work fast enough :)
Remember that the more support we get and the more interest we see in the project, the more we will be inclined to work on it and the more we will get done, so SHOW YOUR SUPPORT! <3

What kind of map(s) does this game have?
CyberShot is an OpenWorld game meaning you can travel around the entire world without bounds without having to go through teleports or warps/portals. This also means there will be different terrains thought the world such as Icelands, Active Volcanoes, Under Water lairs, Labyrinth's, Catacombs, ShipWrecks, and more however it is a futuristic game meaning it may also take place in a futuristic Sci-fi world with cities and other places like such in addition to the other terrains.

What will be the game’s rating?

PG-13, most likely.

Is there a Kickstart, if not then will there be one?

No, Probably not.

Will there be a Disk Version?


Will there be Personal servers like in Minecraft?


How will you deal with hacks and hackers?

Please check the link at the bottom of the page for information regarding Hackers and Game Hacks.

Will there be Multiple Servers for different countries?

Yes, hopefully.

Is CyberShot Moddable?

To an extent.

Will Chat Profanity be allowed?

Enabled / Disabled by players.

Will you allow In-Game Purchases?

Cosmetics and more :D (Long list continues to be long...)

Can we use Voice Chat, if so will it have a radius?

Yes and yes but is upgradeable by the players.

Will there be some type of In-Game staff?

Game Masters, will be active 24/7 and will always be around to help the players no matter which server they are on.

Will there be an In-Game Soundtrack?


Will there be a Downloadable Soundtrack?

Mini-launcher located in game files that allows you to pick and choose which soundtracks to download.

Will you have a Demo Booth at E3?

Most likely not.

Will there be TV ads and magazine ads?

Probably not.

Will there be Beta testing?

Please check the link at the bottom of the page for information regarding Beta testing and Alpha testing.

What kind of transportation will there be?

From town to town (With a few exceptions) there will be teleports. Anywhere outside of town to town players will have to get there themselves using buggies, mechanical creatures, tamed creatures, or their own two feet.

Will there be in-game relationships?


What will Alpha and Beta testers receive for testing?

Please check the link at the bottom of the page for information regarding Beta testing and Alpha testing.

What kind of Races will there be?

There will be six races most likely each of which having their own unique advantages and disadvantages to a player’s gameplay style.

Will there be multiple dimensions?

There will most likely be a dimension available during certain holidays for players to enjoy with custom mobs, quests, and bosses.

Will there be a Max player level?

There will be no Maximum player level however there will be a recommended player level (A level we suggest you don’t try to pass since it will take a long time to level from there ^,^).

Will there be Wheel Cars?

Uhm... What the hell is a wheel car?
(For those of you who don't understand this joke it was a joke made in the early development of the game and we will continue to hold this with us through our game's life)

Page regarding Hackers & Game Hacks.
Page regarding Alpha & Beta Testing.

Thank you all for showing your support and joining us in the Q&A!
Have a great day and we hope to see you soon!

Edited by: JayGhoul


Official Developer of CyberShot

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