Chernobylite is a Science Fiction Survival Horror RPG from developers Farm 51. Set in the hyper-realistic, 3D scanned wasteland of Chernobyl’s exclusion zone, you’ll take on the role of Igor, a physicist and ex-employee of the Chernobyl Power Plant, returning to Pripyat to investigate the mysterious disappearance of his fiancée, 30 years prior.

RSS Reviews

Thexder says

Agree Disagree

Played on PC, found nearly no bugs (about 2 crashes that took me back 2 minutes each, and 1 or 2 spoken lines sounded like placeholders, in about 40h of play). Game has a great story, incredible graphics and crisp sound, good voice acting (played with Russian actors and English text) and it is **incredibly atmospheric**. The fact you revisit some areas works well once you learn them, they feel familiar -- but on the other hand game was a bit overlong (I visited each area maybe once or twice more than I would like). Overall, an excellent game, 87/100.


grihajedy says