A first person hunting simulator where you hunt the largest and most dangerous creatures to ever exist – DINOSAURS.

RSS Reviews

markomladenovic312 says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree



tanyababe1991 says

Agree Disagree

Its okay my little boi loves it


Unrealhalo says

Agree Disagree

Deffo a solid base for a good game here. It just sadly does not have enough to it to make it stand out and to be a great game. Pros are it looks pretty nice. Not the best looking game around but it gets the job done the dinosaur models are really nice well modelled and animated.

The Ankylosaurs and Tyrannosaurus look really really nice and have an impressive amount of detail but the Triceratops takes the price for best model. It looks amazing i could look at it all day. The dinos all leave foot prints behind a feature that really should have been in the older games but never was. The maps while few look pretty good also .The water looks nice and the maps are very detailed and are really well made for hunting and some of the maps look beautiful at times.
The game play and gun play are much improved from the past games. You are actually pretty fast and have good mobility with or with out your weapon equipped you can sprint if you want to. The older games you were so soooo slow i hated it and when you had your weapon out you were pretty much a turtle. The gun play is improved over the older games it feels really good to use your weapons. The weapons all sound decent and you can aim down the ion sights.
The weapons are all modelled and animated well. Seriously the gun play and player speed are leagues above the older games and i love that. The Dinosaurs have more varied behaviour so they are more interesting to observe and hunt. Yes the dinosaurs have some interaction with each other here unlike the older games. I have come across a dead Stegosaurus and i did not hunt it down but i did see a ceratosaurs near by so its pretty obvious what happened there. Carnivores will also eat your downed trophy hunted animals if you do not claim them. Its seriously so so cool when you anger a Triceratops it will turn to face you and give out a huge roar just before it charges at you its a rush i tell you.
The crossbow is amazing in this game. Its so satisfying sneaking around the maps taking out dinosaurs with out being noticed. There are also quite a few upgrades within the game so there are more things to use your points on this is also a big improvement from the older games.

The game has got great potential there just needs to be more here and it needs a good layer of polish. The game can be great but there are glitches and just not enough content. It also for some reason runs pretty poorly on my gaming pc which is really bizarre. Hopefully with the new release and the engine change to unity the games problems with be patched out and hopefully this okay game will be turned into a really really good HD carnivores experience. Will be looking forward to the new patch. Right now id rate the game 7 to maybe even an 8 out of 10 hopefully with the engine change and improvements it will go up to a 9 out of 10. And if we can mod the new release then that will be perfect. Lets make Carnivores HD great again.


SweetRamona says

Agree Disagree (1)

A disappointment of mass extinction levels.


Figuano.v3 says