Birmwood is an adventure game, where the player controls a pre-created character, Parcival Godrigson and guides him through the mansion. In process keeping Knight Ivan safe and aiding him in completing his quest in an attempt to solve the curse laid upon him by the Old Hermit and escape. The game takes place in an isometric perspective, operating on a real time based system. Using the keyboard and mouse or joystick, the player moves Parcival and interacts with the environment, exploring the hallways, rooms and towers of the mansion. The player faces challenges in the form of puzzles, traps and monsters. Many hints and tips on solving the puzzles can be found in dialogues with Knight Ivan and interactive books, scattered throughout the mansion, which also give deeper insight on the mansion and the world of Birmwood.

Add job Report Environment Concept Artist for Slavic themed medieval game at Birmwood

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Artists located Anywhere.

Posted by Birmwood on

Genre: Action Isometric RPG
Platform: PC / OSX

Birmwood is a dark medieval RPG with Slavic inspiration. The game offers thoughts on the fate of a hero in fiction, the sacrifices he has to take and their impact, their consequences on his character. Birmwood takes place in a fully custom fiction worked on for five years and features an in-depth lore. The game (not the fiction) is inspired by titles such as: Gothic (1, 2), Witcher (1, 2) and Zelda. Focusing on exploration and immersing the player in a rich setting. A great focus is laid on the player's interaction with the world and its inhabitants - not everything has to be killed and monsters have a greater reason to exist beyond filling the space.

Our Goal:
Our current goal is to make a 10 minutes demo to present to potential investors or for starting a Kickstarter campaign, in order to get funding to complete the entire game and for team compensation.

- Active, social, dependent
- Teamplayer
- Experience in medieval themes
- Experience in Slavic themes (optional)
- Passionate

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