Battle Volley is a prototype. It's basically a PONG style game from a first-person perspective with some Breakout-like elements added. The game never received much feedback (which is why it's been submitted). The perspective may be confusing and slightly disorienting. It was originally designed to support network games however various complications and doubts about the projects potential resulted in the abandonment of several important features. So it was left as a single player game. It may be possible to play an opponent from the keyboard but it's very cumbersome to play without a mouse or pointer device and joystick support has not been well tested. If there's enough interest in BV, the project may get a second chance. Otherwise it'll retain its reject prototype status. Thanks for any feedback. < cookiecutterwebjunkie (et) gmail >

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Battle Volley (prototype)

Battle Volley (prototype)

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Battle Volley is a prototype. It's basically a PONG style game from a first-person perspective with some Breakout-like elements added.