Bad Dream will be a series of short point&click games which action takes place in creepy, dark and sad land of dream. Some of games will be a cruel and painful as nightmare, and some will be disturbing and illogical. Gameplay will always look the same, but the dreams will be different. Each game will take around 20 minutes of gameplay (for the first time).

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 31)

You nailed the nightmare feel!

Graphics: -
Gameplay: ★
Story: ★
Music&Sounds: ★
Atmosphere: ★
Fun: ★


At first I was shocked by the quality of the graphics. I mean, it is very characteristic and noticably plain. Once I got used to it though, it stopped bothering me and I was able to accept it as an essential part of this game series. The gameplay is casual for a point&click game, nothing special but nothing bad either. When it comes to the story, I am kind of uncertain how to rate it. I liked it, and it was very strange and unpredictable, but a bit too confusing at times for my taste. The confusion is caused by some parts having an undetectable or no relation to each other, which makes it very hard to guess what needs to be done and what is going on. The ideas are genius though, that I have to admit. The music and sounds were a mixture of good and annoying, it hits the spot but could be done better at times. All together the atmosphere was great, but because of all the confusion that was caused by the storyline, a part of the atmosphere was taken away and the game didn't appear as scary or disturbing at all.

All together it is a fun game, though also one I could not sit and play over and over again or for a longer time.

An original and highly entertaining point and click series! I love the mood presented and art style used but maybe I'm just partial to point and clicks having grown up with games like Shadowgate. 10/10!

Creepy and surprising gameplay. Weird mood. Unexpected things to happen.
Straight way to insane....

good games

Just played Bad Dream Butcher. That was fun, odd and scary. i didn't really know what i was doing but i finished it and enjoyed it. Next i'll try graveyard.
Thank you developer

These games are absolutely fantastic, very fun and startling, with an interesting art style.




Great atmosphere, worth playing for any fan of adventure games. Just noticed it's possible to support the developper by donate through paypal. So if like me you enjoy playing this games serie, it's the best way to get new chapter i guess.


Played through all games, rating 6/10.

I like the story, even though I never actually managed to understand what's going on. The graphics are unique but very low quality, and look like they are just quick sketches. Respect for the music, sound and animations - those I love.

If you're interested:
Will let's play again soon