Step into the dark world of American McGee's twisted retelling of Alice in Wonderland.

newnowmusic says

9/10 - Agree (1) Disagree (1)

If you come to this game with expectations of modern AAA graphics and soaring set-pieces then this is not the game for you.
What American McGee (yes, that's his birthname) and team have done is taken the well known and loved story of Lewis Carroll's creation and given it a wholly unpleasant bent.
Gone are the Disney niceties, no gourdy colour and sing-a-long, this wonderland is the manifestation of a broken girl whose mind has closed from the world after the death of her parents in a housefire.
This is a wonderland of egos and ids, turmoil and personal tumult, a heady analogy of psychiatric repression and self-loathing.
Alice must find a way to restore wonderland to its former glory by facing and besting deamons, built in her mind, to house her guilt and remorse.
Gameplay is simple enough and graphics now look extremely dated but it is in the depth of narrative and re-imagination of a classic tale.
Characters you may have thought you knew are cast in a completely different light as the broken pieces of Alice's psyche attempting to lead her to success against the venomous 'Red Queen'.

Although clearly dated the visuals are lush and well crafted, giving each area of the beautifully rendered map a interesting and unique feel. AI ranges heavily as does the could-be-staid platform elements, all given life by the environments and setting created by McGee.
Beyond this something notable to look out for is the wonderfully macabre score. Chris Vrenna (formerly of Nine inch nails fame) has overlaid the world of AM's Alice with a bizarre and often intentionally jarring sheet of creepy music boxes and choirs worthy of a listen outside of the game.

As with the game itself everything you thought to be cute and nice as a child has been distorted to a nightmare-ish level in this new wonderland.
Play it for the story and the interpretation and remember a time when these things were important to gaming.