PlatformerA young boy named Kurt finds himself stranded on a peculiar planet, and he must find his way home. Finding help from unlikely allies and the curious tools...
A Man With a Monocle is an adventure/platform game developed by Neogen2 Creations for the PC. Follow Henry McAllister in your quest to discover the mysteries behind the Monocle and your ghost friend, Kain, while you go through many different and fascinating locations. A Man With a Monocle is a story-based but at the same time old-school platformer, featuring over 55 levels coupled with countless challenges to overcome, alternative passages and many hidden secrets waiting to be discovered. In addition to the story mode, there are many unlockables such as another playable character and new game modes and levels. You can even create your own levels and campaigns, using Level Editor released with the game and play your own and other people's work.
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A young boy named Kurt finds himself stranded on a peculiar planet, and he must find his way home. Finding help from unlikely allies and the curious tools...
Guide and play as Mudokon champion Abe, and his aquatic Gabbit partner Munch, in Oddworld's third adventure, using special psychic powers, cool power-ups...
Disrupt the machine with fast paced platforming action. Traverse obstacles with your grappling hook. Cling to walls and destroy EyeGaurds in a flurry...
The latest game from XHH(me). Basically it's a fun little platformer/adventure game that is meant to turn your boredom into rage and high blood pressure...
Play as Hopper, who is trying to reach new heights and find new treasures. Ascend vertically across levels and reach the treasure chest at the end.
A magician has stored a rabbit in his enchanted top hat. Inside the hat is a pocket dimension, seemingly as big as a tower, which he uses to store his...
a man with a monocle how absurd sir