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Star Trek Horror Game Idea (Forums : Ideas & Concepts : Star Trek Horror Game Idea) Locked
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Sep 28 2014 Anchor

For a while I've had an idea for a Star Trek Horror Game, in the vein of Amnesia and the upcoming Alien game. You're stuck on a ship with Species 8472 AND the Borg. Not only are both species hunting you, but they're also hunting each other. The whole ship is open to you at any time and you have to figure out how to dispose of both intruders.
-The Borg Drone has already adapted to both your phaser rifle and pistol and conventional weaponry only angers Species 8472
-Use your environment in conjunction with weapons and tools to suppress and attempt to kill both of the intruders.-Both the Drone and alien will attempt to repair long range communications and contact allies. You must attempt to do the same, while halting their progress.
-There is a communications blackout throughout the ship, so all communicators are offline. If you come into contact with other members of the crew, you must work together. They can either be assimilated by the drone or infected by Species 8472 (possible multiplayer

I don't really have any knowledge in modding or creating a game, but I do have the creativity. Who knows, maybe a team could be started and we could try something out. Feel free to share any ideas.

SinKing bumps me thread
Sep 29 2014 Anchor

This is a good start and a promising setup for a game within the ST universe. I can think of a few questions that (when answered) would ground this setup a bit more:

1. Why are all three factions on the ship? Is there anything special about it?
2. There is only one of you, how many aliens of each faction are there (roughly) and why are they all stranded there, too?
3. Is there a time limit of some kind (venting oxygen, starvation, a bomb etc.)?
4. Can you and should you forge alliances with one species against the other and what are the drawbacks? Can you get any help from the outside?

In terms of gameplay, I imagine this is a sneaky FPS, like the ones you mentioned. However, it will need detailed descriptions of each faction and what they can do and use, i.e. a design document of some kind. If you round it up and write the document, you might find it easier to get help with the project. I'm certain there are some people, who would love a decent Star Trek game and who also have the skills to help.


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Sep 29 2014 Anchor

I like the idea but can't think of an actual reason the player would win in a grudge match against those two. 8472 easily wipes out drones and just injuring a human causes them to mutate. 8472 can easily track all species with it's mental abilities and the drone would have no problem assimilating the ship/non-8472 species.

What might make it more believable is if it's on a holo-station like 8472 had when preparing to invade the Federation and the Borg find it while some Humans from Voyager are investigating it. Heck, it could be a great mod for Elite force, all the art you need is there and all IP issues are covered. :)


Go play some Quake 2:
It's like Source v0.9, only... better!
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Doom 3 Paintball to the Max!

Sep 29 2014 Anchor

SinKing wrote: This is a good start and a promising setup for a game within the ST universe. I can think of a few questions that (when answered) would ground this setup a bit more:

1. Why are all three factions on the ship? Is there anything special about it?
2. There is only one of you, how many aliens of each faction are there (roughly) and why are they all stranded there, too?
3. Is there a time limit of some kind (venting oxygen, starvation, a bomb etc.)?
4. Can you and should you forge alliances with one species against the other and what are the drawbacks? Can you get any help from the outside?

In terms of gameplay, I imagine this is a sneaky FPS, like the ones you mentioned. However, it will need detailed descriptions of each faction and what they can do and use, i.e. a design document of some kind. If you round it up and write the document, you might find it easier to get help with the project. I'm certain there are some people, who would love a decent Star Trek game and who also have the skills to help.

1. It could be one of the 8472 training facilities, a Borg Cube or a Starship.
2. Only one of you could work, but so could a handful of people or even a whole bunch. Also have multiple of Borg and Species 8472. Remember the Borg can boost their numbers with your crew. I guess I've always wanted with the atmosphere of First Contact, when Picard first attempts to retake engineering from the Borg. The crew was helpless and the Borg were relentless. I've always wanted a game where the Borg are almost impossible to stop by traditional means. Adding in Species 8472 later in the game could make that even more interesting and maybe keep it from being repetitive.
3. Hunger is so overused and wouldn't really make too much sense. Possibly Oxygen, but once one of species takes completely over all of ships functions then that would be the time limit. But lets say the Borg completely take over the ship and you're still alive, it basically comes down to you possibly destroying the ship and everything with it, or the borg just completely over-running and assimilating you.
4. I don't think creating an alliance with either of the species would be possible, you just need to find other members of the crew. But remember combadges are disabled and you need to protect each other from threats.

I was thinking along the lines of a Sneaky FPS with a few hints of tactical shooters like the original Rainbow 6. A game where the player(s) and allies are easy to kill and the enemies are an extreme challenge; even a single enemy. Multiplayer could be interesting, but singleplayer would be the best.

TheHappyFriar wrote: I like the idea but can't think of an actual reason the player would win in a grudge match against those two. 8472 easily wipes out drones and just injuring a human causes them to mutate. 8472 can easily track all species with it's mental abilities and the drone would have no problem assimilating the ship/non-8472 species.

What might make it more believable is if it's on a holo-station like 8472 had when preparing to invade the Federation and the Borg find it while some Humans from Voyager are investigating it. Heck, it could be a great mod for Elite force, all the art you need is there and all IP issues are covered. :)

The Starfleet personal have ingenuity (using environment to their advantage) while Borg have technological prowess and the ability to boost their numbers and Species 8472 has the power to blend in as a borg or Starfleet, as well as telepathy and enhanced strength and stamina. A member of Species 8472 disguised as a Borg wouldn't fool the collective, as they're not a part of it, but it would fool a starfleet officer.

I don't think Elite Force would be a good place to start, not because it is dated, but the Quake 3 engine just can't offer the level of immersion I want. I was thinking either a mod of an Unreal game or a Crytek game, or just a completely new game in general. Obviously the game would have to be free and all credit would have to be given to whoever holds the rights to star trek.

I still have a bit of work to do with coming up with some stuff, but it's a start!

Sep 29 2014 Anchor

Modern Warfare 2 wasn't immersive enough for ya? :)

Either way, the concept sounds interesting and I'm interested to see how this new Alien game pans out. One like that hasn't been done since Alien was released on the C64 way back when.

I'm still not seeing how a human (or any Federation species) could win in this situation against either of those two races without some "major" plot holes. A single 8472 might be feasible (although the injured one wasn't to easily handled in Voyager), it's just both the Borg and 8472 at the same time. Maybe instead of the Borg it's the Hirogen(sp?) and 8472/holograms. The player could feasibly be safe from them but would have one hunting them at all times & the other pretending to be friendlies when not.


Go play some Quake 2:
It's like Source v0.9, only... better!
Play Paintball for Doom 3!:
Doom 3 Paintball to the Max!

Sep 30 2014 Anchor

It could possibly be just one member of Species 8472, two max. While theres 3-10 borg starting.

Of course you would have a phaser, but I was thinking your main tool would be the tricorder. It could help you set up traps, set up a short range dampening field and help you activate computer terminals while not directly at them. of course it would also help you scan for borg signatures and Species 8472. The Borg wouldn't attack you unless you do something in their territory or attack them directly. Of course there would need to be objectives placed in Borg territory.
It's also possible that you could have a limited supply of whatever the doctor used to cure Kim of the mutation caused by the attack from Species 8472.

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