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Space-based trade/econ "city builder" simulator (Forums : Ideas & Concepts : Space-based trade/econ "city builder" simulator) Locked
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Mar 20 2023 Anchor

Key things I'm trying to do:

  • I like the market dynamics in Off-world Trading Company

  • I hate tech trees

  • I really want money and financial management of the player's organization to be the key thing to manage (like a city builder, in a way)

  • I like the "resource transormation" aspects of many builder/simulator games (per aspera, anno, settlers, banished, etc) -- A goes into building X and turns into B which goes into building Y

  • the theme is space and spaceships and trade (routes)

  • top-down-ish (isometric, top-down, etc) view

  • I don't really like all of the micro of grand-strategy games (Stellaris) even though you don't _have_ to pull all the levers

  • I don't want combat - it's all about running your organization/company (Railroads! etc)

  • Multiplayer is not a requirement

What game would be suitable for the kind of overhaul mod depicted above? Think of a kind of Anno/Offworld Trading Company/Banished/Galciv mashup focused on econ/trade. Does such a game already exist? I haven't found one yet.

I'm not much of a programmer, but I'm capable. I've got about 20 hours into Godot and have barely got a UI let alone a playable game loop. I've been working on a Godot-based multiplayer game as a part of my day job. I've written a lot of Ruby over the years, and recently GDScript and C#. I've dabbled in Python. I'm not scared of code.

I realize that modding may be as challenging as custom development for various reasons, but that's left to be seen.

Meandering background:

For the longest time, I have had a love of city builders and colony sims. I loved SimCity, Railroads!, and others like it. I also like strategy games - GalCiv, etc. What I tend not to like is "RTS" or "real-time strategy" games (Sins of a Solar Empire was not my favorite).

The thing that I like most about a lot of these games is the trade and econ aspects of things. I really want a game that focuses on 3 of the 4 Xs: explore, expand, and maybe exploit. Exterminate (combat) is not something I'm interested in, and it usually ends up dragging down my 4X experiences (I'm looking at you, GalCiv).

What I want is a kind of city-builder that is akin to a space corp trading simulator. Building/buying ships, creating (automated) trade routes, creating your own industry buildings to transform resources, etc. Seeing how big you can make your space empire without the classical city builder pitfalls bankrupting you -- unrest, financial mismanagement, etc.

Does such a game exist? If not, is there something that would be suitable to mod overhaul? Or am I really just destined for writing something custom.

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