
PREVIOUS VERSION. DO NOT DOWNLOAD! this is a version that had some bugs,and problems,. pls download new version 1.1 Thx

1860s Old America 1.0 -Version-
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Reddie_Penguin - - 30 comments

YAS! Omg, gonna no-life now. Thanks!

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Guest - - 700,067 comments

Nice, the Yankees only caused a slight delay :P

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lolface993 - - 2 comments

OH MY ****** GOD!!!

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Kriegtooth - - 1,608 comments


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corranis - - 16 comments

Grats! Will post progress in my france campaign.

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WenzelFritz - - 41 comments

Thank you for updating this mod i love this mod very much

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Guest - - 700,067 comments

Thx Chief ;>

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USADominic - - 126 comments

Very nice thank you so much Gab for the free wild west video game! :)

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Kagestorn - - 326 comments

I knew I Didn't waited for Nothing.

You're the Man Gab's.

You're the Man!

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TheDazzer - - 188 comments


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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

------------NEW Version 1.0 available for download!-----------

Sorry for delay but I had a problem in coding...and only after a long and painful searching...I finally found out that it was due to the massive changing of factions/items names from Usa/Csa to all capitalized "USA/CSA" and I had some meshes names changed as that the items would get errors and not be found in the game...
MR was all your fault! See what I went through to please my fan's requests??!!
Hahaha...just kidding ...but there was a moment in wich I was really hating you...hahaha...

thx to the many of you that actively supported and Always encouraged my work and a special thx to SUPERMANFLYES for his old but extremely objective and nice comments and reviews!


PS...BRUMMIE, where are youuu?! I want your feedback on new monster powerful Plains Indians!! hahaha
no really ...I forgot some values and skills in previous version and u were right to point at that issue, tha

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Guest - - 700,067 comments

ehh do the cannons work?

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

dont worry im here , iwill leave feedback soon , little bit busy now , but i will play anyway :)

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Delta1337 - - 101 comments

Thanks Gab, no really thanks! :D

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

THK YOU, delta. I m sure u will love the new mechanics of guns but pls let me know, ok?

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aldodf - - 369 comments

complimenti gabry, la provo subito :)

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

UELAAA ALDO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hah ciao bello come ti butta?!
C'erano voci che dicevano che eri morto eroicamente combattendo con dei rangers contro Mexican Bandidos una partita MP contro il computer'! hahahah...
Cavolo...mi fai ricordare che non ho mica avvertito sul thred italiano che c'e' l'update alla versione 1.0 ...hhhhh...

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aldodf - - 369 comments

hehehehe, spero tanto di fare una partita multi con te uno di questi giorni :D

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RussianBadAss - - 188 comments

very nice indeed

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naq29 - - 26 comments


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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

HEY! Bad *** and naq...see all my old friends are here!!!
Play carefully...DON T GET KILLED!!! lol
So happy to see you guys still around!!!!!!!!!!

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Guest - - 700,067 comments

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DetectiveHentaiJoe - - 9 comments

It was quite the wait, hopefully it's good!

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

Well thx, this is the 1st "half" positive comment that U made about me and my is a good start, after all...hehehe.
No seriously, hope u will really enjoy it, we modders do this work for that goal only, honestly: to make ppl happy and for free!

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hairboy - - 940 comments

Considering his profile pic I'd be suprised if you could ever make him happy hahaha, dont mind him, he's still buthurt about WW2.

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

Haha..I just got it now...

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

Finally I made it: 1.0 latest version! Enjoy it and...stay tuned! I will not update officially for a long while but I will need a good bunch of supporters that will actively cooperate with me to share further improvements according to their taste. I will share with those "Testers" new releases till another official Update. Thx to all those that Always supported me and my work, thanks to all people that helped and that I honored in the first page of the game and in the game itself, being them in the story with their real names. Thx to all Gab hide detail -

------------NEW Version 1.0 available for download!-----------
Sorry for delay but I had a problem in coding...and only after a long and painful searching...I finally solved it and uploaded the mod.Stay tuned and I will make a full Changelog and will explain also many new issues and stuff that I changed but that might be not fully understood!

Play it all:
, (do not miss the New Arenas SHOOTOUTS), and the (MP) option, with few friends, on a LAN (NOT internet) or even ALONE, with NO connection and using Game Bots ( setting artificial player Troops).
USE ONLY < ORIGINAL > NEW WB 1.167- PATCH! Might work with previous versions, still.
-Please follow all next steps if this mod is not running perfectly on your PC!!!
This mod is a COMPLETE CONVERTION of WB Native and has TONS of new fetures, such as improved graphic,
sounds, music, new models, weapons, SMOKE, blood... etc etc..

Thx TO all Friends, Helpers and Supporters of Gabrilduro's Mods!

1 - close ALL programs and Net connections, then start a NEW GAME (not savegame compatible)
2 - do not MOD this mod. You will get easily crashes. Do not tweak or change anything.
Test the original version and get use to it for some days, then eventually do some changes.
3 - do not use cheats, it might give problems as well (the world map and battle maps are very big
and doing map/fight cheats will freeze your PC!)
4 - before starting 1860s, pls do ALL steps in 1257 link suggested (thx 1257!)
5 - start the game and save after talking to Merchant. Close and load last save.
Keep 2/3 saving spots for 1860s and overwrite them. That will avoid you to loose all your progresses.
(they both should NOT be marked if you have PC performance problems). GO THEN TO "ADVANCED" AND CHECK IF "Enable Edit Mode" is on.(It should be OFF for best performance)
- Do not set to zero "Monitor Gamma"
If the game now works well, increase few things at a time, to discover WHERE your problem was.

Have fun and please play at least a full week before asking or reporting anything.

if you want guns to be more effective at long range, you can open the file called "module.ini" and lower the friction of the air for arrows (and ammo for MuzzleLoading Guns) and for Bullets.
Copied and pasted here the first lines of module.ini so just you can see where they are!

module_name = 1860sOldAmerica
compatible_with_warband = 1
num_hints = 150
auto_create_note_indices = 0 #Do not automatically search through all troops/factions/towns to check if they have note text.
map_min_x = -299.988495
map_max_x = 335.036469
map_min_y = -277.396576
map_max_y = 310.889221
map_sea_direction = -40 #wave foam direction
map_sea_wave_rotation = 300 #This is where the tear artefact is visible on the sea.
map_sea_speed_x = 0.02
map_sea_speed_y = -0.02
map_river_direction = 140
map_river_speed_x = 0.01
map_river_speed_y = -0.01

air_fricti />air fricti />---
Just change 0.013 and 0.019 to a lower number, ex. 0.011 and 0.017 ...

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ninja805 - - 36 comments

-wipes a tear- Thank you, you glorious man ;)

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

I am so sorry to admit that I was not able to add Battle Continuation, Freelancer and Diplomacy neither to the latest version, due to several and Killing main errors that I would meet in towns and Lords Halls.
The pic that I posted in the main title of this article is just ONE of the MANY and different error messages that I got...
My suggestion to the lack of battle continuation is :

-to stay far enough from shooting, because I tweaked values toperfectly balance the air friction effect on projectiles that U ll get instantly killed at a distance of 0-30/70 mt, according to the gun shooting at u, hurt differently or even missed, at a longer and much longer distance. The so called "Out of Reach".

-press ctrl+f9 to slow down time and get a slow motion effect, every time that u are in danger

-press ctrl+e as soon as u get killed (within 2 seconds or will be too late) and u will see the battle continuing IF u got enough men still alive. Press H to clean the screen from values and indicators while u are watching.

Pls consider that I spent a lot of time in trying to please every single request that u fans asked kindluy to me, but I could not do them all and some were really impossible for the way my mod is built.

I am infact the only modder that is still not using module_python but I only tweak texts in all their values and that is much longer process and does not allow too many changes once is done...

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Hans_Von_Slither - - 12 comments

I uninstalled the earlier one because i gave up hope on this mod but now i want to shag your face you sexy basterd

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

check your computer , nothing with the mod , or just in case download again , but in my opinion this is your computer fault , update C++

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mastrangelo146 - - 13 comments

grandissmo!! Erano secoli che l'aspettavo

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

Grazie guajo'! ...e tiratemi su la media dei voti che poco tempo fa st'azione di trollaggio m'ha steso ko, quasi! ghhh...

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minecraft111 - - 49 comments

sto venendo sul soffitto

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

haha..esplicito, eh?!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
1TruNub - - 61 comments


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Guest - - 700,067 comments

Cool looking mod and everything, I've extracted and copied the folder into my modules and i can choose it from start up screen, it loads the main menu but It goes black screen everytime you try to load a custom battle or play single player, and crashes to desktop after saying its encountered a runtime error, any help would be much appreciated.

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

download again , very known issue with bad download , check your internet connection

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

Gab , to be honest ....iam ...iam.., no i cant be honest at the moment . Mate i have only one question : did you made this in the toilet within 15 minutes ?Seriously what the **** is it ? i just downloaded , was playing 15 minutes and is enough for today .within 15 minuest i found :
+ much better graphic /textures
- exactly same map
- exactly same horrible hair and some faces
- in my inventory was few things and between them : jug (pottery ) called ''gold '' with price 6700$, , i cant sell it anyway as there is no shop which can aford my jug/vase/pottery/gold
- i try hunt INDIAN TERRITORY (WTF ?) and ''party named indian territory that was 1 bisons , poacher , some other idiot and 5-6 invisible guys and
probbaly dog any
- then i tried buy some clothes in town : red shirt with brown pants looks like in mods from ...skip? ,'' black cavalry boots light leather ''are turned out , i mean in wrong position , cavalry standard boots look like 5 sizes too big

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hairboy - - 940 comments

whew tough crowd. Yeah if you played for only 15 mins then you can't make a good review sorry. That's just a fact. if you don't like it then move on with your life. Instead of crapping on other peoples work.

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

yes after fifteen minutes i cannot give review but im not blind and im M&B veteran and can easy find bug, and i said that , my last post wasnt review as my review will be very positive when Gab will make patch and i cant see reason of your post so STFU?

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

Brummie...My fault!
I have to admit that actually there are a couple more issues even worst than those that u pointed at...and I will upload a clean updated and better version asap.
PS apreciated ur prologue...I know it costed you a lot to keep urself...hehehe...

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

im so sorry , my bad temper .....i was born like that , sorry mate i was writing this in the middle of the night with half-closed eyes , im very busy lately and i didnt knew , new version is out ,when i found it uploaded i nearly had ..****** :P, and i was so angry when found these bugs like fast reloading ammo (drums) for old/long guns and normal ammo(horn with powder) for revolvers plus invisible enemy , invisible or upside-down shoes and some other things but i shouldn't behave like that , feel bad now :(

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

Naahh...SoldierOFortune_PL has some reasons...actually...some more testing is showing some other problems and I m gonna upload a new clear version pretty soon.
After that, I desire to know who is actually in a giant testing of the mod and I will update only for those testers for a while.

SoldierOFortune_PL -HAS to BE IN-, but I know that he will, right mate?!
He focus mostly on bad stuff but I learned in the past that he can be the best in that!

But I need a serious Bunch of Players that will join us in a full testing action.
Please write down your request of joining right below my post here:

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KingKetsa - - 424 comments

Hi Gab, I'm willing to test your mod.

I'm a committed player in the NW community with over 500 hours if that is enough qualification. I am really picky about mods so if I find something I will complain about it to you. :P

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

yes exactly , im one of the biggest fan of that mod , i never stopped play older version and im gonna get old playing newest version .But i played so many mods since 2008 (M&B) and now i cant enjoy if i see some problems , bugs , details not properly implemented , sorry for my last ''minireview;; :) , little bit too rude , just i was waiting so long for new version , ii was little bit angry finding little bugs and i had no too much time to test it properly.I LOVE THAT MOD and i know Gab spent so much own time ....i feel like a idiot now , sory Gab , but if you can make little patch , fix some of these shoes and sort it out ammunition and some other things , will be great ,please forgive me my rude post :)

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

-Chief Ahote has ..french banner
-after hunting i looted invisible shoes
-prices are messed up , best horses, clothes are cheaper than worse, gabrilduro poncho cost nearly nothing
-shootdowns - once i have 66 bullets , another time only 5 in drum , During Denver shootdown i could go inside empty house and use any weapon i left in chest - i found chest full of weapon and clothes in house for sale , in previous versions that chest was empty
- some pistols reloading time - 11 or 3 , thats slower than musket

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

some clothes have too weak body armor stats compare to the leg stats , example :
body armor : +1
leg armor : +23
i know even best shirt is not bulletproof but this looks strange anyway
these crap uniforms should be only for better fighting soldiers to make balance between fighting stats

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GABRILDURO - - 714 comments

No problem Brummie, I remember progressing in 1755 following your accurate problems/issues/bugs descriptions. ...hehehe..
I try very hard to still improve the mod but I do not have my old Gabrilduro s Bunch and many helpers anymore...just a fistfull of real haters that have fun rating a one my work, whatever I do or I say! HAH!

Keep up your search, old man, I ll try to keep up with your suggestions!
-I meant to split Head/Torso/legs protections not because pants are thicker than a shirt or a cap but is a system that makes sense: shot in a leg takes longer to kill u than in the chest...or in the head (that is why Hats are so low in protection, see?)
I bet that u di not think at that way..hehehe
-Showdowns are Always a surprise and I like it that way...but basically I cannot change the codes of ammo even if I limit, sorry.

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SoldierOFortune_PL - - 751 comments

people usually shoot torso , not legs , and you know exactly how this look in warband , torso stats are always better than legs

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