
This is a port of the Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron Sullust map. There are 5 command posts. Empire/Republic start with 3 inside the Garrison and the caves, while the Rebels/CIS start outside. Included are custom units and heroes for GCW, and Phase 2 skins for CW. The Rebels are aided by Nien Nunb, who has a blaster pistol and pulse cannon, while the Empire is aided by Greedo, who has a blaster pistol and grenades. The Rebel Smuggler replaces the Wookie Smuggler and is armed with a Heavy Blaster Rifle, Grenade Launcher and Time Bombs.

Sullust: Garrison V1
Gabriel_Lonardoni - - 9 comments

I've been looking forward to this

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EggHead98 - - 81 comments

Problem: I have no addon folder.

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Mr.Slavko - - 358 comments

You have to create it then. Go to the folder where you installed the game, then to the "GameData" folder, and inside of "GameData" you have to create a folder called "AddOn" (without the quotation marks, of course). Have fun playing the map. :)

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EggHead98 - - 81 comments

I tried that already.

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Mr.Slavko - - 358 comments

And did it work? If not, than the only thing I might suggest is to check if you put the 3-letter folder into your "AddOn" folder (Not the one with the full name of the map, but the one inside of it). It's meant to be like this: YourGameDirectory -> GameData -> AddOn -> SRS (the 3-letter folder with this map).

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EggHead98 - - 81 comments

I. Have. No. Addon. Folder.

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Mr.Slavko - - 358 comments

In my first reply I wrote that you have to create it if you don't have it, and even wrote where exactly you should create it. Just do that.

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EggHead98 - - 81 comments

I have tried making an addon folder and putting it into my directory, but it doesn't work. I don't get an option to create one directly into the directory either.

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Mr.Slavko - - 358 comments

Oh, that sounds strange. :O I'd like to help, but in that case, I don't know how.

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EggHead98 - - 81 comments

No problem, I think I've it figured out.

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Mr.Slavko - - 358 comments

Also, after playing the map, I'd like to say that I really liked it. The map itself is awesome and feels very polished, the new sides are great as well. One nitpick that I might have would be to slightly change the command post setup. It seems that the whole battle takes place in the northern side of the map, while the south side only has a few units walking around. All in all, I have to say that you did great and I love those map conversions. :)

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RadicalEdward2 - - 51 comments

Its a good map but its lacking some stuff like vehicle spawns for the spider droid and I think the AT-RT.

Also the top of the energy collector (in the city) is missing a turret placement (the big Bespin Platform style turret). I think there were turret locations along the street too.
Also all the ammo/health droids are missing.

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RadicalEdward2 - - 51 comments

If you guys ever do the Geonosis map please use stick to the Phase 1 armor ^^'

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