
A story about a young man named Angel who lived in the city projects called "AVENUE HEIGHTS". Angel lives with a family of four, his Father and Mother along with his only brother, Bryan. It is Angel's 30th Birthday and he doesn't feel or sense much accomplishment from anything so far in his life making him feeling less than bi polar. Angel, still lives and pays rent at his Father's house, while his mom suffers from a very ill sickness causing her to be bed stricken. His brother bryan is barely even home most of the time as he is known for roaming the streets with an gang called to be "Black Spades". Angel's only job is being a freelance graphic designer who has an very high interest in old MS DOS games. Games he remembered but can never play because his family couldn't afford the price of the games. One late Friday night, as Angel was thumb nailing through new artwork while after a few mins, he begins to fall alseep on his desk. After a few hours, Angel wakes up to bass thumping musiC

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