
Imperial Destroyer ver.1700 Only few changes from original Imperial Destroyer to make it compatible with ver.1783. *Unit size is doubled, just like ver.1783. *Grenades are added to grenadiers, just like ver.1783. *Eastern musket units are in the 4 row, just like ver.1783 *AOR(Area Of Recruitment) is adjusted, just like ver.1783. *Scots Grey(2nd Dragoons) is added to Britain. *Mousqueataires de Roi, Gendarmerie de la Gardes, Chevaulegers de la Gardes are added to France. *French Republican units are added, just like ver.1783. (Unit models are exactly same to monarchy's one.) *American militias for each states are added, just like ver.1783. (All unit models are same. They use original Imperial Destroyer's minutemen's one.) *Flag ships are deleted, just like ver.1783. *24 gun frigate, 64 gun ship of line are added, just like ver.1783. (40 gun frigate of 1 deck and 80 gun ship of line with 2 deck are appeared at the late 18c.)

Imperial Destroyer ver.1700 (perished)
KonradsDancingTeeth - - 14 comments

Use this mod and 1783 vol 1 & 2? Or am I just supposed to use one of them?

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Albert_Kim Author
Albert_Kim - - 120 comments

One of them! If you wanna play early campaign, overwrite 1700 and then change it to 1783 when the savefile's year is reach 1783. If you wanna play late campaign, you can just download 1783 vol.1 and vol.2

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Guest - - 706,260 comments

Do the uniforms change with the 1700 date?

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Albert_Kim Author
Albert_Kim - - 120 comments


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Andrei6452 - - 11 comments

What imperial destroyer I have to download first? 6.3?

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Albert_Kim Author
Albert_Kim - - 120 comments

6.3 is fine!

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filmaty98 - - 1 comments

Greetings. I've downloaded your mod in version "Imperial Destroyer ver.1700". I've overwritten Imperial Destroyer files as it is said in the instruction. However all of the units seem to be still from Imperial Destroyer vanilla. The only thing that has changed is number of soldiers (160 -> 320). Can you help please? I'm playing on Imperial Destroyer 1700, and I've downloaded your submod "ver.1700".

Edit: Also could you upload your mod to googledrive or sth like this? It is pain to downloading 7 Gb with the speed of 350kb/s.

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Albert_Kim Author
Albert_Kim - - 120 comments

Thank you for your interest in my mod. Please check the changes below. It's ver.1700, so there're just few changes. If you want a bigger change, pleas play ver.1783.

*Unit size is doubled, just like ver.1783.

*Grenades are added to grenadiers, just like ver.1783.

*Eastern musket units are in the 4 row, just like ver.1783

*AOR(Area Of Recruitment) is adjusted, just like ver.1783.

*Scots Grey(2nd Dragoons) is added to Britain.

*Mousqueataires de Roi, Gendarmerie de la Gardes, Chevaulegers de la Gardes are added to France.

*French Republican units are added, just like ver.1783. (Unit models are exactly same to monarchy's one. They are added only to prevent the existence of monarchy units in republican France when the Revolution happened before you change the file to ver.1783. I assume that the acceleration of the Revolution is started late 18c even if the Revolution happened earlier.)

*American militias for each states are added, just like ver.1783. (All unit models are same. They use original Imperial Destroyer's minutemen's one.)

*Flag ships are deleted, just like ver.1783.

*24 gun frigate, 64 gun ship of line, Santisima Trinidad are added, just like ver.1783. (40 gun frigate with 1 deck and 80 gun ship of line with 2 decks are appeared at the late 18c.)

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Guest - - 706,260 comments

1783 versiosn worked fine but the 1700 version just wont work. Everything is in the rigt spot and extracted where it needsyo be. Any posibiluty the 1700 version is in need of a patch like 1783 was, cuz 1783 works great

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Albert_Kim Author
Albert_Kim - - 120 comments

sorry for late response. I'll check it

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Guest - - 706,260 comments

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emirxxuslu - - 7 comments


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Albert_Kim Author
Albert_Kim - - 120 comments

nope. It's very stable

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Guest - - 706,260 comments

Hi, this is an awesome mod but I would like to report a bug. Sorry if this is the wrong place. Playing with the 1700 version, the 24 lber "demi cannons" and the 4 inch fixed mortars of the Denmark faction cause the game to crash to desktop every time I try to load a battle, both in campaign and custom battle. Tested other Danish units with custom battles, they load fine, only those 2 artillery units cause the game to crash. Demi cannons and mortars of other factions works fine. I haven't tried the 1783 version so I don't know if they also have that problem.

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Albert_Kim Author
Albert_Kim - - 120 comments

Oh, I see. I'll figure it out

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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