
This is my H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod for H&D Deluxe. I maintained the original gameplay while fixing most common bugs and adding new content. Any feedback will be appreciated!

H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 3.0
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foo_jam2002 - - 875 comments

Just voted for mod of the year, it deserves recognition.

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

Thanks a lot foo_jam2002! In my humble opinion it is not as good to be a pretender, but i am doing my best. :)

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H3llBaron - - 903 comments

Great mod p.jakub88!!!!

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MR.47=RPR= - - 66 comments

Ah yes a great update so far and i can't wait for the grand 2.0 update my bets are high and the stakes,hopes are very high....
Keep it up legend


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MR.47=RPR= - - 66 comments

Finally Lord Jakub has blessed us with the 2.0 update and i can finally sing and listen to gangster paradise theme and chords over this beautiful version of an update .....
Thank yo

Regards Mr.47

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

You are welcome. Credits go to NilsZ for this particular update though.

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

Great to see the registry crap is now fixed! I was going to get back into this game a while back but got stuck at not being able to launch it and got frustrated and gave up. Do you still need the game itself or is this standalone now?

Edit:So the game ran fine for a bit and I was able to finish the first campaign just fine. But the second time I booted it up,first it would keep popping the setup up after I press ok,I ran it in administrator mode and it booted up fine without the config popping up again but the game is like running at a low framerate now no matter what options I tweak. Any tips?

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

Sorry for the late reply. I had the same problem from a certain time till today, while running the game on Windows 10 64-bit OS. What OS do you have? After i installed latest Windows Updates the game started to run normally. Try this solution.

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

My Windows 10 version is all up to date. I've seen a couple people say to restart your PC to get it to unlag which i think did the trick back on my old laptop but personally a bit scared about restarting it that often since it crashed on me once after a restart. Is there no other solution? It's probably just something i installed but i don't really want to risk it just for one game. I'll check for updates again tomorrow and will tell if anything changed

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

So,did you finally got H&D Deluxe to work properly? By the way i have the game installed outside the Program Files folder, because in newer systems it could cause problems with game functionality for some reason.Try also to run the game in compatibility mode with Windows XP. Maybe you installed / updated some drivers recently that caused the lag? You could also obtain Hidden & Dangerous Action Pack which contains H&D Deluxe too aside of the original classic H&D 1 with expansion. Maybe that will work for you.

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

I checked my laptop and nothing needed to be updated. Not even my drivers. I'm pretty sure it's not the drivers,nothing was updated after the first time i ran the game and seeing it work fine. Maybe I'll try moving it to the desktop as i had it installed somewhere i don't usually keep my games. I also tried all compatibility modes and they didn't work. I have no idea what the issue is since it worked fine the first time. Then when i tried to run it a few days later,it wouldn't get past the graphics setup endlessly popping up again when i clicked ok until i ran it in admin after which the lag started. I'll try to get Action Pack and see if that version works since my current install is the free moddb file but I'll be away from my computer until at least the end of the month so I'll tell you if i get around to it

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

One more thing: my H&D Deluxe version is 1.52 and it works as it should. Check if your version is the same. The current game version number is shown in the main menu of the game itself. You might need to re-install the game with a 1.52 version install instead.

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

Is the Action pack updated to 1.52? Because the moddb file is 1.51 i think

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

No, the Action Pack is 1.51 version.

Please install H&D Deluxe again from this download link (it works for me):

I didn't install H&D Deluxe from ModDB, but from another source.

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

Downloading it and the mod again rn. Will edit with updates in a bit

Edit:It feels like it's actually somewhat running worse. Last time it was laggy but somewhat at least bearable. Now it's so bad even selecting my profile is a chore. Any ideas or do i have to resort to restarting every time i want to play?

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

So,your current H&D Deluxe install is 1.52 version, right? Where did you install the game - outside Program Files folder or not? Did you try to run the game as administrator with Windows XP compatibility mode? Other than that maybe the Action Pack is better optimized for newer Windows systems. I really don't know why your game is lagging if you claim to have all recent Windows Updates installed. On my part the modded game works OK on 3 different systems (XP and Vista 32-bit plus Windows 10 64-bit) on 2 separate machines (dual boot laptop and PC).

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

Its version 1.52. I installed it outside of my program files folder . I ran it with/without admin and in all possible compatibility modes. Couldn't see any noticeable improvements. I just checked for updates on anything that might affect it and there's still nothing to be installed. I'll try Action Pack in a bit and see if it works. If not i'll try the moddb install again

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

So,did you check the Action Pack?

Aside from game menus - do you experience lag / low fps also during gameplay? Do you had the same problem while playing my older mod versions or this happens to you only with the 2.0 release? What about the vanilla / unmodded game?

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

I haven't tried Action Pack yet but will when i have time. The entire game lags,from the second i get to the profiles menu to the second i start a mission or a cutscene starts. It affects the entire game. I'm not quite sure but i think your previous builds worked. I'm not quite sure as PC troubleshooting is a bit too broad to figure out exactly why something worked/didn't worked. But the last time i tried the game which would be maybe mid last year. I think it worked fine even after subsequent times i booted it up after shutting my laptop off. If you could provide me with an old build i can try and see if it works

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

Hmm, as far as i know i don't have previous versions of my mod stored anywhere. What about the vanilla / unmodded H&D Deluxe - it lags too for You?

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

Yeah. I did a clean install of the moddb file again last time and it also lags from the moment i start the game so it's not the mod i'm assuming. Again it could be something with my drivers or something about Windows but it worked mostly fine last time. As for Action Pack,it wouldn't even run. It kept giving me a'Failed to initialize graphics'error no matter what options i chose on setup. Ill try the other version of the install here on moddb and see if that works

Edit:Nope even a new install of the other moddb version doesn't work. I'll just admit defeat for now and assume restarting is the only way to get it to work

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

You may want to check some technical help posts on H&D forums and GoG forum about running the game on newer systems. Quite few other players experienced similar problems. Did you try to install additional software (such directX, etc) that came within the Action Pack release?

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

I installed all the additional software required to run the game. Maybe I'll give it another try when i'm not busy. I have searched through forums and the only one i found to describe my problem 1 to 1 never got answered except someone saying they usually just restart their system to fix it

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

Did you try to launch the game in Safe mode? This option is located in the Windows Menu Start after you install standalone H&D Deluxe and it is called by default "Play Hidden and Dangerous Deluxe (Safe mode)". It's worth a try at least.

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

I have. I tried running Deluxe in safe mode too. No difference. Like i said I'll just assume restarting is the only way to get it to work. Maybe I'll try it again next time my pc restarts after a Windows update

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

Yep it was Windows. I just installed a new Windows update and the game works fine after the restart. What i'm not sure about it is if it'll stay that way or stop working again once i shut my computer down again

Edit:Shut my computer down and booted it back up. Still works for now. Got no idea when or even if it's going to be weird and stop working again but for now issue's resolved. Thanks for the help

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

I am glad that you finally resolved the problem!

Enjoy the mod! ;)

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Rick_OShay1 - - 95 comments

Update, how is it now?

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-Vito-Scaletta- - - 117 comments

I haven't booted it up in a while. I'll try it tomorrow and see if it's still working or not

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Rick_OShay1 - - 95 comments

The lag seems to disappear whenever I restart my computer and go to Deluxe first thing afterwards.

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JOE270390 - - 20 comments

Hi everyone, I just downoloaded the mod to replay this old classic and everything works ok. I have just a question; all the new weapons you have introduced are linked to a specific campaign selection or can only be found from dead soldiers? Because for instance in the first mission in Yugoslavia I can't select Arisaka, MAB 38, Browning and so on; but I managed to find a Carcano from a dead italian soldier. I also noticed that some items like the camera were removed while if I recall correctly, it was possible to select it back in the days. Thanks for your reply.

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

Some weapons could be equipped in the "campaign inventory selection screen" while starting various campaigns throughout the game, while others could be collected from dead enemies, weapon stashes and to be found in my addon missions. As for the camera i probably accidentally removed it from the inventory list at some point, but you could still take in-game pictures by pressing F11 key by default. The camera is not mandatory in any mission anyway.

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Rick_OShay1 - - 95 comments

We agreed to remove it, because it took up a needed slot in the weapon selection menu.

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JOE270390 - - 20 comments

Hi, I have a problem in the 3rd campaign mission 1 where you have to rescue some prisoners from the basement. After destroying the archives and rescueing the prisoners, the mission doesn't end when I reach the truck near the gate. Any suggestion? Driving the truck or standing near the gatee doesn't trigger the mission complete message, and the game doesn't recognize that I freed the prisoners.

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

You need to blow the gate up and drive towards the road beyond the destroyed gate in the truck with all your commandos and prisoners. This is specified in the Mod's Readme.

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JOE270390 - - 20 comments

I forgot to mention that I tried that. The gate blow open using dynamite but then the fire that originates from the explosion it's like a wall that prevents me to get through with the truck or of foot.

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

You need to wait for the fire to dissapear first (it is one of the game original mechanics for some type of explosions), then drive by truck through the destroyed gate. By the way I listed all important gameplay changes regarding the missions objectives in the mod's readme. You could also check the changelog for more info. There is an official game's manual (it should be within the game files or search for it on the Internet) if you are not familiar with H&D Deluxe. It is an old game and sometimes awkward to handle for nowadays players.

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Rick_OShay1 - - 95 comments

I myself was thinking that the Time Bomb explosion should be replaced with the one from a tank shell. TNT doesn't make fire. It only makes an explosion.

Otherwise, fighting oil-pump fires would be impossible. 😁

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JOE270390 - - 20 comments

Hi p.jakub88, I forgot to reply but I managed to finish the 1st mission of the german campaign. After having placed the explosives the gate blowed up then the fire exstinguished and I was able to escape with the truck like suggested by you.

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MR.47=RPR= - - 66 comments

Yeeeee version 2.2. EeeeeeeeeeEeEEEeEEEEEeEEE

*windows has stopped working*

In all seriousness that was a long way and i wish you great luck in the future

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dgn - - 775 comments

Thanks for the update.


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TakeALookAtThatSmams - - 18 comments

Hey there, would I be better off playing the vanilla game first or just going with this?

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

Well,this mod is not a total overhaul and it is mostly based on the vanilla game, but there are many changes like custom weapons, vehicles, new game mechanics,etc. The decision is up to you though. If you never played unmodded H&D Deluxe you could try it first to familiarize yourself with controls and gameplay rules / tactics.

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AlStar05 - - 5 comments

Hi. The mod works great. My only gripe with it is that there doesn't seem to be any way to use the binoculars properly i.e. nothing happens when I click on the same key as the one I use to zoon in with the sniper rifle. This problem never occurred in the original version of H & D.

Is there anything you can do to fix this problem? It's frustrating to always have to use the sniper rifle to zoom in on enemies, and I like to be able to view the enemies from different angles with the men who I don't let use the sniper rifle due to their firing accuracy not being 100% - with their only other option being the binoculars (to view enemies more closely).

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

Thanks for feedback! I fixed the bug with missing binoculars view in 1st person camera mode - now it works in similar way like the custom sniper rifles. I included the fix into the newest H&D Deluxe Ultimate Mod 2.5 version update uploaded today. Please download it. I apologize for the bug - i simply overlooked that.

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AlStar05 - - 5 comments

It works perfectly well now. Thank you so much! :-)

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BoloG86 - - 1 comments


I started a new playthrough with newest version of the mod and I love it. Thanks for adding M1928A1 Thompson SMG for Yugoslavia campaign. I have a few observations / questions / requests if I may.

1. Maby changing the dates for briefing, debriefing campaign and missions screens for Yugoslavia campaign from 1941 to 1942 will suit it better because of vehicles and opfor equipment used in missions eg. Lancaster bombers, MG42 GPMGs etc.

2. Would it be possible to add Sten MKV SMG from MOH AA Spearhead as an additional selectable weapon for 1944 and later campaigns.

3. Would it be possible to add S&W M1917 revolver from MOH Pacific Assault as a additional selectable sidearm for some early campaigns for that SAS Rouge Heroes TV series vibe (Yes I know that revolvers in that TV show were Colt variants but S&W models were also used by british forces).

4. Would it be possible to maby add Vickers-Berthier LMG from MOH AA Spearhead and Remington Model 11 shotgun from MOH Pacific Assault as a selectable weapons in some Africa and Pacific addon missions and maby Italian campaign.

Thank You and Best Regards.

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Rick_OShay1 - - 95 comments

Welcome to the group, Friend. :)

Come chat with us and give our game your two cents.

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dgn - - 775 comments

Thanks for the new updates !

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p.jakub88 Author
p.jakub88 - - 61 comments

Thank You and enjoy! ;)

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