This mod spawns a Cybran, UEF, and Illuminate ACU for each player at the beginning of the game so that each player can play all factions simultaneously.
v1.0 to v1.1
- The removal of the initial two engineers has been relegated to a separate mod: Lonely Mod.
The default tech tree is that of the faction chosen in the lobby prior to launching the game. In order to gain access to the tech trees of the other factions, you will need to first build a research station for those factions. Arrows will then appear in the bottom right-hand corner of the tech tree allowing you to scroll to the tech trees of the other factions.
This mod requires that DLC be enabled. It is compatible with Revamp Expansion Mod, and should work and be compatible with all other mods.
Installation supports CerusVI's SupCom 2 Mod Manager (SC2MM). For complete installation instructions please read "how to install.txt" as this mod also requires Mithy's Mod Support Minimod to be installed alongside it.
Credit: Thanks to Mithy for coding suggestions.
I can't get the mod to work..... I read the install instructions and everything
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Do you have the DLC enabled? The mod actually requires DLC and does not work without it.
Also, is the Mod Support Minimod installed?
Did you try to manually install the mod?
There seems to be some issues with the Mod Support Minimod preventing the All Factions mod from working in multiplayer.
However, the mod should work without any problems in single-player skirmish.
If the multiplayer problem persists and is unavoidable, then I will implement the mod differently so as to hack the original game files (the mod is currently implemented via non-destructive hooking with the help of the Mod Support Minimod).
I did everything. Put the file in gamedata, I have installed the mod support thing and I have the DLC as well. I just can't get it to work :/
Does the game crash, or does it just load up without the mod having the intended effect?
Are you putting All_Factions.scd in gamedata? It wont work if you put the downloaded file SupCom_2_Mod_All_Factions_1.0.rar in gamedata. It has to be All_Factions.scd.
Do you have any problems installing using the mod manager? If you're using the mod manager remember to check the boxes after you add the mods to the list.
No the game doesn't crash, it just loads like there isn't even a mod installed. I start skirmish and i have DLC and i have it checked to work for skirmish and multiplayer and when I start a game, it still has original ACU with the 2 engineers.
Yes i put the All_Factions.scd in the gamedata and not the SupCom_2_Mod_All_Factions_1.0.rar
No i don't have problems with the mod manager. I've already used it to play the full download of Revamp Expansion mod that was recently released and it works just fine. Do i need to remove the Revamp Expansion mod from the mod list in the mod manager then add All Factions mod again? I may have already tried that though. And i've already downloaded the mod and extracted it twice and it still doesn't work
is it supposed to have "All Factions Mod" on the bottom right of the game menu like it does when you install Revamp Expansion mod and other mods? because it doesn't say it. I have to be doing SOMETHING wrong but i can't figure out what :/
All Factions Mod should not appear in the bottom right of the game menu. I haven't programmed that yet.
The mod is completely compatible with Revamp + Revamp Balance. I just downloaded the mod from the link and tried it and it worked, both with and without Revamp.
Try uninstalling Revamp + Revamp balance and run the game with just All_Factions.scd + _modsupports_v2.scd. All that needs to be done is to have All_Factions.scd and _modsupport_v2.scd in /gamedata!
If that still doesn't work, then make sure Revamp and any other mods you might have installed are uninstalled, so that every file in /gamedata is the vanilla SupCom 2 + DLC. Then, manually copy All_Factions.scd and _modsupport_v2.scd in /gamedata, take a screen capture of your /gamedata directory that clearly shows all the files in the directory with the file sizes and put it up somewhere and give me a link so I can take a look (for example, you can use to share photos anonymously on-line).
hmm.... i never saw the _modsupports_v2.scd file.... i'll do a search for it and try to find it on my computer
You can download the file from here:
That's the main page that describes what the file does. The link to download the file appears near the end of the head post. The direct download is:
But this is the link to v2. It's always best to download the file by going through the original post in case a new version come out.
There has been some reports of this mod not working in multiplayer. Please report if you have any such problems. If so, then I'll have to implement the mod differently so that it doesn't rely on _modsupport_v2.scd.
I can't find that file??
See previous reply to download _modsupport_v2.scd. I've provided the direct download link.
Thanks for the assistance. That file made everything work
Glad to see you and Overrated (Liveordie) working together madface!
Thanks! It is because of the Revamp mod that I didn't delete SupCom 2 from my computer, intending to never again come back to it! Obviously, things have changed!!! :-)
I'm having issues with that mod support minimod.Cannot figure out where to put what.
Put 'All_Factions.scd' and _modsupport_v2.scd' in /gamedata.
this REALLY should be called the "Unholy Alliance Mod" instead
It could also be called "Forged Alliance" lol!!!! The reason I went with "All Factions" is because there is already a mod by that name that was created for "Forged Alliance". Therefore, a lot of people will recognize what this mod does just by the name alone. I will be creating a second mod based on this one that gives player both the ACUs of SupCom 2 and the ported ACUs of Forged Alliance to fit into my basic+advanced scheme. So, you will have 6 ACUs to start with. I can call that one "Unholy Alliance"! Thank you for the suggestion!!! I'll put you in the credits!
The Mod Manager you've put up in the download section says that the mod I'm impirting conflicts with the one in the libary (Revamp Mod). Tips?
Edit: Scratch that, it's working now.
could any one update this to the current version of revamp (new mod manager)