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Homeworld 3 The Sands of Time (Company : SoT Dev : Forum : Story Line : Homeworld 3 The Sands of Time) Locked
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Jul 10 2009 Anchor
Story Line

Sands of Time

Time; 50 years post HW: 2

PHW2 50
Mining vessel, Kun-Laan Ascendant approaches a deep space asteroid field. As they enter the field, their guidance and comm. array gets destroyed, fearing a collision from any of the oncoming asteroids, they make a blind hyperspace jump into the unknown. Once they emerge from hyperspace, they find them self surrounded once more. This time, by an ancient megalith. Deciding that this is as good a place as any to rest and get repairs, they settle in for the duration.

While repairs are underway, the Fal-Mar research vessel is dispatched into the eye of the unknown. Within days, the mining kith realize what they have stumbled upon. They dock with the megalith, and begin further research while the communication crew tries to establish contact with any of the outside worlds, which is proving hard to do from within the megalith.

Recent negations with the Hiigaran government has left a bad taste in the mining kiith, feeling more as the out casts, and receiving no praise for the glory of the beast days, they decide to keep the discovery to themselves, at least for now. Back on Hiigara, it is believed the Kun-Laan Ascendant has been lost in a mining accident. Pieces of the hull and guidance system are found in the asteroid field, rescue operations are called off, and they return to port.

Aboard the Kun-Laan, much has changed. No longer having the guts of a mining vessel, her resource storage tanks have been striped and retrofitted into a advanced research station. After they came upon the realization that the Gate had the capability to open a hyperspace port to another galaxy, they focused all their attention to getting it up and running.

With the possibility of endless resources to build their own empire on their mind, nothing would get in their way of powering up the giant Gate. During research, a second team discovers schematics for advanced propulsion, weapons and hull plating. With the rest of Somtaaw fleet gathering at the secret location, final preparation to start the gate are in progress.

2 long years after the discovery, finally, the Gate is about to open. Before them, a hyperspace event, dwarfing anything in known existence. First to go through, is the research vessel, “Khar-Sellim II”. Approximately a week later, the hyperspace event is opened once more for the Khar-Selim II to pass back through for rendezvous and status report.

She brought back hope for the Kiith-Somtaaw. For on the other side lay an imaginable galaxy. All sensory data indicate it was rich with resources, and even more layered with abandoned structures, each containing remnants of the ancients. Preliminary scans did not show any populated region which was generating any radio signals which would be detected. If this galaxy had any life, it would be primitive, or so they thought.

PHW2 100
It is well over 40 years since they first entered the “Eye of Aran”. All but few Kiith-Somtaaw remain in the home galaxy of Hiigara. The government stands baffled by the decline in the Kiith but refuses to help. They hope that their political problem will vanish. And so it did.

The Pride of Hiigara is in port receiving retrofits and upgrades when a Taiidan carrier hyperspaces into unauthorized region. Fearing and attack, the Pride of Hiigara scrambles its fighters and locks an intercept course. However, the Taiidan carrier quickly establishes communications; “we wish to negotiate”.

3years ago, a Taiidan recon group on the outskirts of the galaxy, looking for hospitable worlds found something intriguing. It was a beacon, a steady signal. Faint but steady. After analyzing its content, and deciphering it, they realize they are a hyperspace gate schematic, but not just like any gate. From the schematics, they can see it would dwarf and tower over Balcora. For the first time, they had knowledge on how the gates worked.

The Taiidan came to the Hiigarans in hopes of working together and build the gate. For the Taiidan, or anybody else in the galaxy had the resources or the power to construct such an object. However, once the Hiigarans acquired all of the Taiidan research and all their schematics, they had no more use for them. The Taiidan were prohibited from further involvement and could no longer participate. Any attempt to do so, would result in use of deadly force. Filled with resentment and anger, they Taiidan had no choice but to abandon the project. Never burn your bridges.

PHW2 120
If you looked up from Hiigara, the skyline would be very different from the time of the Vaygr war. No longer did she have one moon, along side the Angel moon, a structure, hollow and unlike anything else seen before floated gently across the sky. Unbeknown to the Hiigaran people, they had constructer a bee hive, and they were the kid poking it with a stick.

First galactic gate powered up, once more, first to go through was a small fleet of research ships. Composing of 2 sensor ships able to detect the faintest signal half a galaxy away, 2 research ships, and 1 large storage ship for artifacts they entered the new galaxy. They would spend 48hours on the other side before the gate was re-activated and they crossed back.

48 hours later, ‘they’ came. As the hyperspace event stood open for 5minutes without activity, the expedition ships came back through. With them they brought back artifacts, and unusual organic materials fund within one of the structures. It had a composition never seen before. It seemed to be in a form of hibernation. Dormant perhaps, however, the Hiigaran government seemed more intrigued with the artifacts they brought back. The technological advancements for their fighter crafts are nearly unbelievable. Capable of traveling further with lower amounts of fuel, and capable of attaining higher speeds are just a few of the immediate advancements.

Months since its initial activation, the Hiigaran government prepares its first wave of colonization of the Titan galaxy. 6 ships, filled with souls in temporary cryogen, jump into Titan. The nearest hospitable planet is Antioch, vast forest, huge oceans and ancients structures litter the landscape. Surely, an ideal place to settle. 600 thousand souls descend onto Antioch in just the first wave. By the 5th wave, nearly 3 million settlers call Antioch home.

2years after initial colonization began, all contact between Antioch and Hiigara ceased. Immediately Hiigara goes into panic, a small feet comprising of a carrier filled with fighters and a destroyer leave for Antioch. Once in its orbit, the sight is unimaginable. No longer are the vast green forests visible; no longer is the ocean deep blue. The entire planet, covered in a dark red organic matter. Sky scrapers, with red veins along their entire height.

The beast has awakened.

From the depth of the planet, a squadron approaches transmitting proper landing codes. In the hopes of survivors, the carrier allows the dock procedure. Once onboard, there is no hope for the expedition, within seconds, the expedition is infected. Their crew is made into organic matter which now controls the ship, the Beast has awakened.

It is now 72hours since the expedition left, due back any minute. The Hyperspace event is activated, through it passes the fleet. Unknown to fleet command, the enemy has just breached the gate. Immediately the carrier moves into low orbit around Hiigara. Its escort cruiser fires his entire armament and destroys the ship. Fleet command stands baffled as pieces of the beast rain down onto Hiigaran soil, streets littered with infectious organic matter, overhead burning wreckage slowly plunders from the sky.

The escort cruiser approaches a group of battle cruisers and self destructs. The first few infections were sacrificial. The beast risked death for its survival. As bits and pieces hit the hull of the battle cruiser they too quickly became infected. With space superiority, and the beast quickly spreading through Hiigara there seems no hope in sight. The pride of Hiigara, fearing infection jumps away with its fleet out of range. On its way out, it places Inhibitor beacons surrounding Hiigara, preventing the beast from hyper spacing, a temporary solution at its best. The Pride arrives in the nearest Kith territory, notifying them of what has transpired.

A large mining ship jumps in range to the Pride. It’s the Kiith-Somtaaw remnants. Baffled, the pride of Hiigara questions them. Once they learn where the Kiith-Somtaaw have gone. They leave for the Eye of Aran in pursuit. With the Entire Hiigaran Fleet remnants converging at the Eye of Aran, it’s bound to attract attention. In transit to the Eye of Aran, a fleet of battle cruisers is lost, some destroyed, some infected. At the rendezvous, bitter and enraged await the Taiidan. However, they are not here to fight, but rather to help, Feeling partially responsible. They sign a piece treaty with the Hiigarans for the duration of the beast plague.

Outposts fell within minutes, without a effective weapon, the Hiigarans couldn’t defend themselves, let alone attack. Fearing total inhalation, they traverse into Titan.

The Belly of the Beast

As they exit the other side, they are greeted by Titan-Naam, No longer a mining Kith, the once Kiith-Somtaaw stand before the Hiigarans with a fleet rivaling that of the 15th. With many worlds colonized, and many more ready for colonization, the remaining Hiigarans settle for the time being.

It would seem the Hiigarans entered what is called by the Titan-Naam, the Ragnarok Galaxy. The originating beast galaxy from the Cataclysm era. They lay dormant, in hibernation for millennia, until the Hiigarans woke them up. They gave them nourishment, they gave them their life.

Within Titan, there are Two Hyperspace event gates. One leads to the Hiigaran Galaxy(Eye of Aran) and another leads to Ragnarok Galaxy. The Naam (Somtaaw) learned what the Ragnarok galaxy contained, and they quickly put they gate leading into it offline. Sealed, for what was hoped would be forever.

After the Naggarok experimental ship never came back, its people didn’t give up. They continued working on a hyper drive system. With their final attempt, they succeeded. They jumped into Titan, and jumped back. They brought their own demise. An entire galaxy, billions, upon billions of lives lost in the war that followed. With no adequate defenses, the galaxy fell swiftly.

To be Revealed- Rest will be played out through Single player. Total of 15 missions.

Playable Race selection (Each race is fully balanced with the other one)

Races which make an appearance (Only select ships will be made for these races)
1)-Progenitor (Automated remnants)
4)-Rogues(Raiders, steal cargo, pirates etc.)

15 missions, each playable through the eyes of the Hiigaran, Titan-Naam and the beast. Each race has its own path; however, the Hiigaran and Titan-Naam are quite similar.

Beast Campaign begins 6months prior to the Hiigaran and Titan-Naam Campaign. It also begins in the Ragnarok universe.

Homeworld 3: Sands of Time

Single Player Campaign Scenario (Hiigaran)

Mission 1: Acquaint yourself with the Sajuk-Ka, get familiar with resource, energy production, ship production, and combat.

Mission 2: Jump to Asteroid field, Pick up resource pods and resource fleet while fending off a Raider attack.

Mission 3: Jump to 1st location. (similar to karos graveyard) use scavenger to search for any useful tech. Find advanced propulsion drives for fighters, wait for Titan-Naan to arrive and join forces. While waiting, second wave or rogues arrives and attacks. Defend until Titan-Naan arrives.

Mission 4: Jump to Gate leading to Ragnarok; Reactivate the gate, Hyperspace into Ragnarok galaxy. You encounter a small defensive group. You quickly destroy them. Objective to capture a sample is complete. Wait for Taiidan carrier to jump into Ragnarok. You give the Taiidan the sample to take back for research. Titan-Naan leaves behind a frigate to await research result.

Mission 5: Arrive in a nebula, close to a beast harvesting ship. Observe and gather data using drones. While gathering telemetry, harvest resources but avoid detection. Send in an infiltrator frigate while using a cloak frigate to avoid detection. Gather vital co-ordinates.

Mission 6: Go deeper into the nebula, Find a harvest colony. Realize the “Harvest” ships are filled with bio-organic matter, presumably other life forms, i.e. Hiigarans. Destroy the colony ship 2 options to proceed. 1- Stay and harvest the leave, risk an attack. 2-Leave without harvesting, wasting resources.

Mission 7: jump into orbit around a small inhospitable planet. Huge resources in orbit, you detect a small out post on the other side, you jump to it, while the Titan-Naan harvests the resource pockets. Once on the other side, you find a battered outpost, seemingly uninfected. You send a marine frigate, as the frigate enters, the outpost sends out a signal and the beast arrives. Battle ensues. Protect the frigate as it’s made a crucial discovery.

Mission 8: Rendezvous back with Titan-Naan, Transfer some resources from their ships. Go over the schematics, unlocks cruiser chassis and heavy carrier chassis. Wile transferring resources, beast arrives once again. You battle, soon more of the beast come, you are outnumbered. You leave behind a small resource group, suffer small losses.

Mission 9: The frigate from mission 4 rendezvous at trinity towers (towers representing the 3 galaxies) gather Intel and new research unlocks. Unlock of Missile destroyer, Hull improvement, Advanced shielding and anti weapon (virus). Spend 15-20minutes building up a small fleet. Titan-Naan jumps away to wastelands. As soon as they leave, beast gravity well frigate jumps in. Your trapped. You fight it out. Taiidan and Vaygr forces arrive for support. Enemy is defeated with the allied help. Taiidan and Vaygr forces leave to scout areas of interest

Mission 10: Jump into orbit around another planet. Mostly empty of life, small beast pockets litter the surface. Build the new weapon, and test it on the surface. Success, however, the attack could be noticed from the corner of the solar system. You know they are coming. You can stay and mine resources, or leave without them.

Mission 11: Jump to well of souls, travel deep into it, and find a abandoned ship. You find a recording, find out what happened in this galaxy. Shows the onslaught, the death etc. Titan-Naan jumps in for rendezvous, they suffered losses. You stay and help with repairs while harvesting. Build up your fleet up,

Mission 12: Jump into Antioch orbit, heavy resistance follows. Huge battle. Huge losses. Large resource pockets. Defeat the beast, once more use the weapon on the surface. Success.

Mission 13: Jump to the gate. Heavy resistance once more. Infiltrate the gate via frigates. Defend the frigates while they establish a connection. Once the beast is defeated you realize the gate doesn’t have adequate power. Research NP tech to power the gate.

Mission 14: Pass to the other side, to your surprise the gate has been re-routed to another gate in the Hiigaran Galaxy. You defend the gate while you re-route it to the gate over Hiigara

Mission 15: Jump over Hiigara. Battle over Hiigara ensues. During this the Titan-Naan realizes the beast has located the Eye of Aran and that the Titan Galaxy is in risk of an invasion. Titan-Naan leaves to defend the Eye of Aran, and you find yourself alone. Launch the weapon, first gets destroyed. Launch 2 more, defend them. More beast arrive through the Gate. Defeated the beast and destroy the gate. Taiidan arrive, they help you succeed. Nuclear blast destroys the gate, but also destroys some of your ships.

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