We are a small indie development team spread out across the world but our main office is located in Australia.We're looking for new talent that will help us succeed in the games industry. We hope to produce games for all consoles and platforms for a profit margin that will provide a nice pay check at the end of development. Again we intend to make games for profit but the only pay will be from the revenue made from these games at the end of development and distribution.

Add job Report AI Programmer at Perfection Denied

This job was posted over 30 days ago. This means the position is now most likely filled & no longer available.

Programmers located Anywhere.

Posted by Indiedb.com on

We are actively recruiting programmers at this time to accelerate our game development and productivity. We are especially interested in programmers with AI programming skills in UDK and/or programming in general. While this is an unpaid position we will still try to pay people through revenue made from these games at the end of development and distribution but if we make very little to no revenue the benefits to such a position are still good such as:

*Programming with enthusiastic and creative people who share a definitive goal of producing kick ass Indie games.

*work with the latest in IT software and hardware.

*The self satisfaction of creating not just a game, but a work of art, to use in your portfolio for future work.

For anymore details or questions feel free to contact us at: Iron_phildo69@hotmail.com

All questions are welcome and as a final note we are happy to accept those who are still learning their way around UDK.
Practice makes perfect people!

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