BlackFoot Studios LLC, based in Ohio, was founded in 2004 by John Sonedecker, a 15 year industry veteran developer who has been involved with some of the most prominent and successful realistic tactical shooter franchises. BlackFoot Studios is a small independent studio whose goal is to fill a void in the style of games many would call ‘Classic’ tactical squad based gaming; As well as develop gaming products that cater to those of the first person genre that prefer a more thought out 'Tactical Realism' based experience. The studio was founded with very specific principals on game and level design that aims to appeal to the realistic ‘Classic’ tactical oriented audience, while still maintaining an incredibly fun and non-frustrating experience. With the Studio's talent for creating challenging realism while maintaining fun game play, gamers will find themselves in an immersive virtual world of military Special Operations, with never before presented perspectives and tense gameplay.

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