
A few friends worth of work built over a couple of months, everything was done by hand apart from the atlantis project where mcedit was used to carve the trench. There's more (alot more) content than what's shown in the screenshots(which are horrible but i didn't want to waste more than 5 mins uploading this). So yeah.. play it/ steal our buildings/ have fun.

Ulalume - - 3 comments

The screenshots are a bit dark, but they looked good enough for me to download the map. I must say, it was well worth it! The castle in the sky is enormous and has some very clever features. I also liked the castle shown in your screenshots. It also has some hidden features that are worth seeing, like the shot holes... but omg the spiderwebs!!

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PresidentEden - - 4 comments

Where's the Atlantis part? I've pretty much searched everywhere and even resorted to MC world edit.

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Karifd Author
Karifd - - 14 comments

The railway connects everything, apart from the docks far behind the pirate ship, you can find your way there via beacon trails near the lighthouse. Atlantis is at the very end of the railway that isn't the castle. If you want to see Atlantis with buildings in it go check out Mooh's map.

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