UI Mod that replaces lock-on crosshair for maximum 【aesthetics】
When you're gonna save the world, you have to make sure that you're hitting those evil, vile and degenerate Tents at Mision 18 accurately. With this mod, never again shall you miss hitting a tent full of injured soldiers and totally not civilians and instead randomly blow up an innocent Tank nearby or something.
This mod contains 5 different design sets, so you can pick and choose that fit your style when comitting totally not war crimes
(Update 1)
- Updated for better compatibility with the Colored HUD / Color blind HUD mod. Crosshair colors should now display the correct colors while using the mod
Instant download. Thank you very much, I love the aesthetic mods like this one.
BTW, thats a F-4E with canards?
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These kinda cool mods are the only reason why I kept playing AC7 since I don't have access to all 6dlcs.
Nice work and thanks a lot.
Awesome mod! Question in the coding for this does it appear possible to completely turn off the targeting squares? Better yet is it possible to remove individual hud elements?
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