
ok so his ragdoll wont fall through portals just yet, but it works so far

Dynamic NPC
Khorps Author
Khorps - - 95 comments

no more portal-life clones plox

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Secret_Coming - - 1,057 comments

hey hello!

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Secret_Coming - - 1,057 comments

if you were a bit more specific

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Khorps Author
Khorps - - 95 comments

sorry, I found it odd npcs wouldn't fall through portals (excluding npcs like the turret), so I created a system that'd detect if a portal is placed beneath the npcs feet, if he's in the position to fall through he becomes a ragdoll, however you kinda got to push him into a portal as he usually avoids walking into one

anyway, as I said his ragdoll still doesn't fall through, I think I can fix that if I connect his ragdoll with the physics object but I'm too lazy atm

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Secret_Coming - - 1,057 comments

well npcs can indeed walk through portals, the mod factum solus did that (awesome mod btw!!!!!) and I saw a video of a guy who did a trick, he did a command that made a npc go into a portal but since it got to the other side he was on a infinite loop going to the portal again and again.

I mean I think there is a way, maybe if you do an animation of the npc falling on the portal or something? (what about fake portals? :P but couldn't work on puzzles)

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