Mission Improbable is a singleplayer mod for Half-Life 2: Episode 2. In it, Gordon Freeman is tasked with re-activating a Resistance listening post. From there, things quickly escalate.

just_wax says

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10/10 - Agree (1) Disagree

Alright here I go.

Graphics- 9/10
The level design is simply BEAUTIFUL!!!!! And the screenshots from the next version are absolutely AMAZING!!!! Seriously, you are a true artist. The reason I gave it a 9/10 is because there's a few moments that just kinda were meh for me like when you first enter the tunnels on map 2 and the doors just kinda teleports shut, or when you blow up the gas station and theres no motion, the roof is just teleported down.

Sound- 8/10. Soundscapes are perfect, voice acting was magnificent, but the issue I have is the default soundtrack. It just kinda throws it for me.

Story- 9/10 Great interesting story. I really liked those extra things you threw in there for the lulz, like the fake zombie bouncing from a washing machine, or the rebel welding giant tires and a turret to a bike.