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Report RSS A 90's action movie script.

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As I will primarily be writing scripts here i figured this would be a good idea to post one. This is based on the Stallone/ Schwarzenegger type of movie from the late 80’s early 90’s and is supposed to be a bit of a laugh. Hope you enjoy it or failing that at least make it to the end.

The Explosionist

FADE IN: night at a pier. We see a large cargo ship in the distance and the camera moves towards it slowly at first as TENSE and SUSPENSEFUL music slowly builds. As we approach the boat we can see flashes on the large deck of the boat, as the camera draws closer still we can hear gun fire over the waves and random pier noise. The camera begins its final descent to the deck of the pier and we zoom in on a man crouched behind some crates. He is wearing a dirty suit and has a wounded leg, he has made a tourniquet out of his tie but is bleeding badly. He is shouting into a radio while firing random shots at attackers on the other side of the deck.

OFFICER MCNALLY: (in to radio) This is undercover Officer McNally. Shots fired. I need back up Now damn it!

DISPATCHER: Hang on Officer we will get support to you as soon as possible. Hold on.

McNally fires a few more shots.


DISPATCHER: I can’t say for sure Officer… I can check…

McNally throws the radio down.

OFFICER MCNALLY: Fuck! Looks like I gotta do this the hard way.

McNally fires off a few more shots hitting a few of the guys on the other side of the boat. Then he hears his weapon click. He throws himself behind some crates and curses.


The guys on the other side of the boat stop firing and slowly move to toward McNally. They taunt him. Their leader is a Guy in a white suit.


The GROUP OF BAD GUYS move slowly toward McNally across the opening of a boat. They have no cover.

WHITE SUIT GUY: Come out Officer! Come before…

The powerful rev of a car engine cuts him short, he detects something in his peripheral vision and turns in time to see a COP CAR WITH FLASHING LIGHTS that has just propelled its self off a ramp on the pier and is bearing down on the group of armed men. As the car reaches the apex of the arc and the nose starts to face down we can see into the car through the wind screen. It is being driven by BRAD ANDERSON “B.A.” He is smoking a cigar and driving with one hand while the other is FIRING A MACHINE GUN through the side window. He looks vaguely excited.

WHITE SUIT GUY: What is HE doing here…

White suit guy then rolls out of the way just as the car crashes into his group of guys landing on a few of the men. The ones that survive throw them selves on the floor but once they have regained their senses start to shoot the car. Bullets tear easily through the cars skin. This lasts for a few moments until all their weapons are empty. The Lights keep flashing and the siren sounds lame. They slowly get to their feet and reload their weapons. One man cautiously approaches the now thoroughly ventilated car. He raises his gun and peeks in through the driver’s window. The driver’s seat is empty.

Bad Guy A: He’s… He’s gone…

B.A. emerges above the group of men. He is standing on some crates with his cigar clamped firmly between his teeth.

B.A.:… But not forgotten, Baby.

B.A. opens up with his REALLY BIG MACHINE GUN. He shoots a few guys but eventually hits the petrol tank of the COP CAR making an INORDINATELY LARGE EXPLOSION which kills the rest of the Bad guys except WHITE SUIT GUY. B.A. looks at the bodies.

B.A.: (mumbles to himself) Where is he?

B.A. hears a gun cock behind him.

McNally: Freeze Police!

B.A. Turns slowly.

McNally: I said Freeze!

B.A. keeps turning

B.A.: Is that any way to treat the guy who just saved your ass?

McNally: Who are you?

B.A. Is about to answer but is cut short by the whirr of rotor blades. He looks up and sees a Helicopter flying in low he notices the glint of a weapon in its door way. McNally is looking at the Helicopter and has dropped his aim from B.A. B.A. grabs McNally and manhandles him out of the way of the way of the incoming shots. Inside the chopper we see that the shooter is WHITE SUIT GUY. His shots miss B.A. and McNally.

WHITE SUIT GUY: BRING US AROUND AGAIN MON AMI! I WANT TO END THIS! (Oh Yeah White suit guy is French or some kind of European)

The Helicopter swoops around for another run at B.A. and McNally. B.A. is roughly pulling McNally along beside him through the crates as they avoid another barrage of bullets. McNally’s wounded leg is slowing him so B.A. is half pulling, half carrying him. Back in the Helicopter after another unsuccessful pass THE WHITE SUIT GUY drops the machine gun and opens a crate behind him. He pulls out a grenade Launcher.


In the distance we can see some blue Flashing lights and sirens.

Pilot: But the police are nearly…

WSG loads the weapon and screams


B.A. and McNally are having a break. McNally is clutching his leg and breathing heavily. B.A. is standing alert and listening for the Helicopter. Suddenly he hears a low whistling noise.

B.A.: Holy Shit… GET DOWN!

B.A, tackles McNally behind some crates just as the grenade round strikes a few feet away creating an EXPLOSION. B.A. is quick to his feet and is dragging McNally along as more EXPLOSIVE SHELLS rain down on them, blowing the shit out of various things.

WHITE SUIT GUY: MERDE! To hell with it pass me the speaker.
The PILOT passes WSG a speaker connected the Helicopter’s PA system.

WSG: (Through the PA) I see you still have the moves Anderson. Although I don’t yhink you will be able to out run the Baghdad Special I have wired in the engine room. Send my regards to the Squad!

When he says the name "Anderson" we cut to B.A. and he is shocked when he hears “Baghdad Special”.

B.A.: Oh Fuck! We gotta move.

McNally: Wha… What’s a Baghdad Special?

The question falls on Deaf ears as B.A. starts to move again. Dragging McNally along like a rag doll. They run to the side of the boat and prepare to Jump. WSG is rummaging in his pockets and pulls out a small detonator He depresses it and chuckles. The camera cuts to the engine room as a small flashing box explodes this creates a chain reaction that destroys the ship. B.A. and McNally jump into the sea from the side of the ship as it explodes. We see them plummet but the screen gets filled with the EXPLOSION which leads into the opening credits. They begin with the words THE EXPLOSIONIST being thrown, seemingly by the blast, towards the screen.

Cue generic "funk" music.

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