Design Imps is a creative team of dreamers. We make the PC games we want to play. We want to immerse ourselves in alternate realities, not to escape, but to enjoy the gift of dreaming. We’re currently working on an exciting mini-game called Fhtagn! – Tales of the Creeping Madness. Fhtagn! is a text based adventure game, where choices matter! It features couch co-op and just a hint of betrayal. Play as one of four cultists intent on releasing the Ancient One. Decide how you will be preparing for the ritual, by visiting various locations in an unsuspecting town and navigating iconic Lovecraftian events. Battle investigators, gangs, corrupt cops and horrors from the Depths, to bring about the end of the world!

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The Creeping Madness

The Creeping Madness FAQ

Welcome to The Creeping Madness FAQ! If you have any questions about the game, please feel free to contact us on our social media platforms. Before you do, here are some guidelines:

  1. No, the shadowy figure you are seeing out of the corner of your eye is not us…run!
  2. No, we do not know how to start a cult, ask Kimmy Schmidt or Tom Cruise.
  3. Yes, we do like games about being the bad guy with some humorous undertones – ask away!

So what the Fhtagn is this game about?

In a nutshell…yes, the game is based on the Cthulhu Mythos, where you are the Ancient One, The Creeping Madness, a primordial evil who ruled the universe and all seven dimensions for thousands of years, before a fluke in your sleeping schedule made you oversleep for another few thousand years. It is now the early 1900s and as a result of celestial alignments, your time to awaken and take back your throne has come. In true Lovecraftian fashion, order your cults and agents to enact the plan that you set in motion centuries ago, to wake you up from your deep slumber and exact your vengeance. Why? Because Fhtagn, that's why!

Okay, but what kind of game is it?

Following the legacy of games like Evil Genius, Black and White, Dungeon Keeper and Overlord, this is a game about being the Big Bad, doing what you want and fighting the self-proclaimed good guys. Build up your cult. Summon powerful eldritch agents and play through tactical scenarios from your favourite Lovecraftian novels as you slowly infiltrate, manipulate, corrupt and destroy investigators to orchestrate your release.

So what features can we look forward to?

  • Multiple-playable Old Ones
  • An unfolding Lovecraftian story
  • Control enemies through fear and insanity
  • Tactical turn-based combat
  • Realtime, lite RPG elements
  • Manipulate investigators on a strategic world map
  • Your own cult to mould in your image
  • A customisable cult-infested town

What platforms will The Creeping Madness be available on?

Currently we are only working on a PC version, but depending on funding, this could be expanded.

Is that it?

No, this is just the bare bones. We will be releasing more in-depth features and information in the months to come. We’ll be using this page for most of our updates, so if you want to be kept in the loop, be sure to follow, like, share and reblog. You can also follow us on social media.

How will it be funded?

In an effort to raise extra funds for The Creeping Madness, we will be launching "Fhtagn!" within the next few months on Steam. Fhtagn! is a text based adventure game, where choices matter! It features couch co-op and just a hint of betrayal. Play as one of four cultists intent on releasing the Ancient One. Decide how you will be preparing for the ritual, by visiting various locations in an unsuspecting town and navigating iconic Lovecraftian events. Battle investigators, gangs, corrupt cops and horrors from the Depths, to bring about the end of the world! To stay up to date with development, keep an eye on our social media or join the newsletter on our website.

We are currently busy with a playable demo of The Creeping Madness to show off our gameplay and some of the features. When the playable demo is completed, we will also be looking at crowdfunding options.

When can I play The Creeping Madness?

When the stars align! Unfortunately, because of limited funding the progress on TCM is going slowly, but we will definitely share anything playable when we can.

Where can I find you on social media/the web?

Official web page






Who is working on the game?

Janke van Jaarsveld – Story and Lead Game Design

Jeremy de Reuck – Programming and Game Design

Nadia de Reuck – Art

Colleen van Wyk – Art

Ilana van Jaarsveld – Community Management

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